Autopsy report ready after 11-year-old in Kongsvinger died of an allergic reaction – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The 11-year-old who collapsed on the way home from school in Kongsvinger on 4 November last year, and died in hospital the following day, died as a result of a severe allergic reaction. The police report this in a press release. The final autopsy report is now ready, and relatives and Kongsvinger municipality have been informed of the report. The 11-year-old suffered allergic shock after eating a bowl in the school kitchen on 4 November. The police are investigating The police quickly started an investigation into the case. They are still investigating the death, and hope to finish this before the summer holidays, they write in the press release. – The investigation into the death continues, and we will offer the suspect, Kongsvinger municipality, the opportunity for a final questioning. The police hope to have finished investigating the case before the summer holidays. The case will then be sent to the prosecution to decide whether anyone can be held responsible for the death, says police inspector Henning Klauseie. The police suspect that a system failure in the municipality meant that a teacher had not learned that the allergic reaction could occur up to one and a half to two hours after the boy ingested something he could not tolerate.
