Australia’s prime minister gave himself five ministerial posts – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Prime minister. Minister of Health. Minister of Finance. Minister of the Interior. And Minister for State Property, Mining and Emergency Preparedness. Scott Morrison appointed himself minister, time after time, and took on the responsibilities that other ministers had. This happened between March 2020 and there are many indications that it continued like this until May 2022, when he resigned as Prime Minister. This responsibility came on top of his own prime ministerial portfolio. That this has happened has only become known now, after a new government took over responsibility in Australia. Exactly how he managed to make such formal changes in secret is currently unclear. Several of the ministers who were actually responsible for the subject area did not know that they shared responsibility with the Prime Minister. Receives criticism from both the Prime Minister and his own – This is the deliberate undermining of the control mechanisms which are so important and central to our democracy, says Anthony Albanese. Albanese is the Prime Minister of Australia today. He says that the matter will now be assessed by legal advisers. and is very critical of what the predecessor did. Critically, she is also the one who was actually Home Secretary when Morrison allegedly meddled in her portfolio without her knowing it. – It is totally unacceptable that a prime minister behaves in this way and undermines everything that a federal and constitutional government is supposed to stand for, says former interior minister Karen Andrews. Among other things, Andrews is said to have experienced that Morrison began interfering with her responsibilities on election day itself. The prime minister is blamed for trying to influence the election with his antics. Boat from Sri Lanka and election campaigns A boat with refugees from Sri Lanka was on its way to Australia, at the same time Australians were on their way to the polls. Prime Minister Morrison asked Home Secretary Andrews to stop the boat, and she did so by following bureaucratic procedures. What she didn’t know was that Prime Minister Morrison wanted to do more, and it would happen quickly. Before election day was over. Karen Andrews asks former Prime Minister Morrison to resign from Parliament. Photo: Leigh Vogel / AP He put pressure on people who worked in border control to get them to write a press release even before the boat was stopped. And in the Prime Minister’s office it was decided that an SMS should be sent out to voters that “the only way to keep the borders safe” was to vote for his party. Everything happened without Andrews knowing all the behind-the-scenes play. The backdrop has later become known to the world in a report that came out in July. This is one of several examples of how the prime minister took control of other ministers’ responsibilities. Now, the former interior minister believes that the prime minister’s behavior must have consequences for him. – I will ask him to resign as a Member of Parliament, says Andrews. Defends what he did In a long post on Facebook, Scott Morrison defends what he did. He says he did this to be able to guarantee that the government functioned well during the corona pandemic, in case ministers should fall ill with covid. – There was a concrete risk that ministers would become paralyzed, sick, admitted to hospital, unfit to do their job at critical times, or even die, Morrison writes in the post. He admits in the post that it was unnecessary for him to add the various ministerial portfolios to his own portfolio, and claims that he had forgotten that he had done so. But he also writes that it was well thought out that he retained responsibility for state property and natural resources, because he wanted to stop his own minister from approving a controversial gas project.
