Australia trends among exchange students – news Østfold – Local news, TV and radio

Koalas, kangaroos, plus temperatures and high waves. It is a small selection of what the country “Down Under” has to offer. Mattis Veine Karterud from Fredrikstad was one of 1,360 who chose to exchange to Australia last year. While fewer people want to go to the US on exchange, Australia has become trendy. – My family has always pushed for exchange because it is important to travel and experience the world. When I found out that you could do an exchange in Australia, I was absolutely sure, that’s where I was going, explains the Fredrikstad man. “THE SURFER LOOK”: Mattis Karterud says he has the hair of a stereotypical Australian, and he was excited about whether he would slip into the local population. Photo: Maria Johannessen / news Do you want to go to Australia? 🏄‍♂️🐨☀️ Yes, I want to😍 I’ve been there on holiday 😎 I’ve been there on exchange👨‍🎓 No, I don’t want to😬 Show result Many things that entice – Australia is a fantastic country to study in, says professor of anthropology Gro Ween. One of her specialist fields is cultures in Australia. Gro Ween has visited Australia a number of times and knows a lot about the cultures there. Photo: University of Oslo Ween believes that there are several things that make Australia popular for exchange students. – Australia has fantastic nature and beaches. And there are large sophisticated cities with rich cultural diversity. Furthermore, the professor believes that the students are attracted for academic reasons. – All the big cities in Australia have very good universities, good programmes, and a rich international student life. Want more to non-English-speaking countries Gro Tjore is assistant director of HK-dir. She is very pleased that the number of exchange students is increasing. In 2022, there were 7,175 students who traveled abroad. In 2023, the number will increase to 8,085. RIGHT DEVELOPMENT: Assistant director of HK-dir Gro Tjore is delighted that the number of exchange students is increasing. Photo: Directorate for Higher Education and Skills – Strict restrictions led to a large decline in the pandemic years. But now the number is higher than the 2019 level. It is a very positive trend, says Tjore. HK-dir. aims for half of all students in the country to have a study stay abroad. But they want more people to travel to partner countries outside Europe, and places where English is not their mother tongue. – There is an increase in exchanges to Japan. We see that as very positive, explains the assistant director. These are the top 5 countries for Norwegian exchange students: Australia 🐨 Italy🍝 USA🗽 Spain☀️ France🥐 The FOMO generation Many from Generation Z share their lives on social media. TikTok in particular is a popular app for vlogging about exchanges. Karterud was one of those who actively shared videos from the Australia trip. – I think more people want to travel when they see others travel. It encourages. Plus, our generation gets FOMO easily. FAMOUS ATTRACTION: Selfie in front of the opera house is almost mandatory if you are in Sydney. Photo: Maria Johannessen / news Karterud remembers one evening in particular very well. He had a roommate who was from Singapore. One evening the friend was visited by both boys and girls. – No one knew each other. No one drank alcohol. They just had fun and got to know each other, says Karterud. Karterud went to Australia to broaden his horizons and experience a new culture. He does not regret choosing to travel there, but now he wants to travel further. – I feel I have picked up what there is to get from Australia. If I could have another trip, the trip would go to South America. After traveling the world, Mattis Karterud wrote a chronicle in P3. Read it here: Published 22.07.2024, at 21.26
