At Stovnerskoghjemmet in Oslo, the elderly residents are allowed to take drugs – Greater Oslo

– I have found a lot of peace here. I have it. Kate Hansen Lambela gives news one of her hearty smiles. She is only 67 years old, but has already lived in several nursing homes. She still hasn’t felt at home. Before she came to Stovner. – It was like coming to heaven. It was something completely new. Kate Hansen Lambela is not stingy with her smiles. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news Shot in the leg Despite the big smile: Kate’s life has not been easy. This spring she lost her husband of 30 years. They had been together for a lot. Also the intoxication. – I don’t recommend anyone to start with it, says Kate. She is originally from Indre Troms. But life took her to Eastern Norway. First to Skien. And then, eventually, to Oslo – and Plata. Pills. Alcohol. Syringes. An eternal search for the next dose. Kate still remembers how intensely sick she felt every time the intoxication left her body. Then there was only one thing that was important: Getting “healthy” again – You do everything. No, there is no life, says the 67-year-old. The intoxication is followed by insecurity. And dangerous situations. Like when Kate was hit by a stray bullet in an apartment on Majorstua. “The leg has become very good since I came here. I was almost lying flat, and could hardly sit when I came. So it’s moving forward.”Kate Hansen Lambelabe resident, Stovnerskoghjemmet That’s the reason why she uses a wheelchair today. – I’m not paralyzed, it’s just that I have to get back on my feet. And at Stovnerskoghjemmet, she has regained her hope. – I appreciate life in a different way now. From intoxication to tranquility Kate has put the worst addiction behind her. She has been on methadone for over 20 years. A panacea, she believes. But the need for drugs has not completely disappeared. “Sometimes she takes something else too,” admits Kate. – It happens. It does. She says it without shame. In front of the nursing home’s manager and head of department Sigrun Peymann. Because Stovnerskoghjemmet is not like any other nursing home. In the ward where Kate lives, everyone struggles with addiction. – This is often a group that has been exposed to a lot of stigma and lived a tough life. Now they have become so ill that they need help, says Peymann. Head of department and specialist nurse Sigrun Peymann says the goal is to create a dignified and normal life for the residents. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news For almost 13 years, they have taken in residents who struggle with alcohol. And last year they opened a new offer: for those who both have major health problems and use illegal drugs. Seven places, all of which have now been filled. Peymann says they notice that the residents are relaxing, that they are enjoying themselves. – You get good food when you need it, and you have follow-up when you need it. And you don’t have to be alone, then. Also: predictable frameworks and a fixed place to live. – Not everyone has had it, either, before they came in to us. Can get high The most unique thing about the offer is perhaps this: It is allowed to get high in the nursing home. As long as it happens in your own room. – And it is also maintained by the residents, says Peymann. Most of them are physically fit enough to be able to go down to town themselves and get what they need. Regardless of whether they come back in a rush, or with something to take to their own room, they are welcome. There are idyllic surroundings at Stovnerskoghjemmet. The terrace may be tempting on a hot summer’s day – but when news was visiting, it was the bingo inside that drew people. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news – It has gone surprisingly well, but it is clear that it is not painless, says Peymann. Occasionally, a resident is too rushed to join in joint activities such as trips and movie nights. – Then you take it on two hands in a decent way. So that they feel that they were met in a dignified way. For some rules and boundaries one must have. The experience at Stovnerskoghjemmet is that they are respected, when people themselves meet with respect. – Attitudes, that’s important. Attitudes and respect. And good communication. That they should be met as an individual, then. – Always shows up For Kate Hansen Lambela, it has been absolutely crucial. – There are very smart people who work here. They are so kind and helpful. It hasn’t always been that way. At other nursing homes, she feels that she has not been met with trust. Kate Hansen Lambela has not always had good experiences with the health care system and Oslo’s nursing home. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news There she had the feeling that the employees were “after her” all the time, because of her background. – I didn’t get the kind of security and peace that I get here. No, they were on me all the time. Oslo early The offer at Stovnerskoghjemmet has now been running for almost eight months. Without demands or expectations of detoxification. The goal is to create a normal and dignified life. The staffing is higher than normal. Many employees have further education in drug addiction and psychiatry. – There is a very dedicated group of employees who are passionate about this group, with great commitment. And great job satisfaction, says Sigrun Peymann. Unlike many other parts of the healthcare system, they have not struggled with recruitment. And now others want to learn from Oslo. They have received requests for everything from hosting or collaboration to making presentations at conferences. – You can see that the need is also showing up in other municipalities, says Peymann. Because there are few offers like Stovnerskoghjemmet. One at Stokka nursing home in Stavanger. Nesbru in Asker has a similar department. And some places, such as Tromsø, are discussing such an offer now. Many are skeptical and afraid that it will end up with a lot of noise and unrest for others in the nursing homes or neighbours. Peymann says that despite some situations, they have good experiences. And she has no doubts: – Those with drug addiction now live longer than they did in the past. And they become physically worse earlier than others. So the need is there. Stovnerskoghjemmet is located right next to the forest on Høybråten in Oslo. They have both regular nursing home places and places for people struggling with drugs or alcohol. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news Published 21.06.2024, at 12.47 p.m
