At least three killed in attack on block of flats in Lviv – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Lviv is located in the far west of Ukraine, close to the border with Poland, miles from the front line. The city’s mayor, Andrij Sadovyj, writes on Telegram that eight people are injured. The rocket is said to have also caused damage to at least 60 apartments and around 30 cars, according to the mayor. The governor of the Lviv region also reports the attack on Telegram. – A Russian rocket had a direct hit in an apartment block in the city, says governor, Maksym Kozytskyj. He writes that the rocket led to a fire which was quickly extinguished, and that rescue teams are busy searching for survivors in the ruins. He also posted a picture of what will be the block of flats. The upper floor is completely damaged. Several injured The housing block is being searched by rescue teams after the attack which took place on the night of Thursday. Photo: MAKSYM KOZYTSKIY VIA TELEGRAM / Reuters Mayor Sadovij says that eight people are currently registered as injured, and that the number is rising. One of them is seriously injured. He also says that around 60 apartments and 50 cars have been destroyed. The governor said he was warned before the attack by the defense that rockets were on their way, and he urged the population to seek shelter. Power outages and telephone disturbances were reported when several explosions were heard after the flight alarm went off. Lviv is located in the farthest west of Ukraine, 70 kilometers from the border with Poland. The war has not affected Lviv directly, but there have been attacks on the city, most recently on 20 June, when damage to critical infrastructure was also reported. Aircraft alerts were also reported across Ukraine and rockets headed for several other cities during the night.
