At least nine Palestinians killed in a refugee camp in the West Bank – Latest news – news

26 January 2023 at 09:18 At least nine Palestinians killed in a refugee camp in the West Bank Israeli soldiers killed eight Palestinians in a shootout in Jenin in the occupied West Bank on Thursday, according to Palestinian health authorities. They initially reported four killed, but later adjusted this number upwards. At least nine Palestinians have been killed in a refugee camp in Jenin in the occupied West Bank in an Israeli raid on Thursday, according to Palestinian health authorities. The Israeli Defense Force confirms that it carried out a mission in Jenin, but has not commented on the claim of killed Palestinians. The health authorities in Palestine say that a 60-year-old woman is among those killed and that 16 other Palestinians were injured. Israeli media reports that there was a shootout at the scene. The Palestinian authorities state that the incident took place in a refugee camp where Israel has carried out a number of arrest raids over the past year. They say that it was difficult to come to the aid of the wounded due to clashes. Before Thursday’s incident, 21 Palestinians had been killed in connection with Israeli military operations or their own attacks so far in 2023. Last year, 172 Palestinians were killed in confrontations with Israeli soldiers, the highest number since 2006. (©NTB)
