At least four injured after attack against Lviv – Latest news – news

6 July 2023 at 02:47 At least four injured after attack on Lviv The governor of the Lviv region in Ukraine reports that at least four people are injured after an attack on the city of Lviv in the west of the country on Thursday night. – Critical infrastructure in Lvoiv has been damaged and there are injured, says Maksym Kozytskiy in a post on Telegram, according to Reuters. The mayor of the city of Lviv, Andrij Sadovij, says that four people have been registered injured so far, and that the number is increasing. One of them is seriously injured. There was a power outage, and telephone disturbances were reported in the city when several explosions were heard after the flight alarm went off. Aircraft alerts were also reported across Ukraine and rockets headed for several other cities during the night.
