At least 25 people arrested – said to have planned a coup d’état – Latest news – news

7 December 2022 at 07:57 German media: At least 25 people arrested – allegedly planning a coup In Germany, at least 25 people have been arrested in a nationwide police operation. This is written by TV 2. The action was aimed at a network of right-wing extremists who are said to have planned a coup d’état. This is reported by several German media, including Der Spiegel, Zeit Online and Bild. 3,000 police officers have searched more than 130 houses and apartments across Germany since early Wednesday morning. Among the suspects are people from the so-called Reichsbürger movement, according to the German newspapers. The movement does not accept the German federation and often conveys far-right and anti-Semitic attitudes. Reichsbürger is linked to several neo-Nazi groups. Germany’s intelligence agency estimates that the movement has around 21,000 followers. Former soldiers from the German Bundeswehr are also said to have been involved in the coup plans, according to German media. According to Bild, several of the suspects were in possession of legally acquired weapons. Der Spiegel writes that the coup plans involved, among other things, storming the Bundestag and that several have trained with weapons.
