At least 23 killed in forest fires in Chile – Latest news – news

5 February 2023 at 06:33 At least 23 dead in forest fires in Chile At least 23 people have died in connection with the hundreds of forest fires raging in the south of central Chile, according to the authorities. On Saturday, it will be reported that there are 251 active fires, and 76 of them have occurred in the last 24 hours, reports Minister of the Interior Carolina Toha. The state of emergency in the country has been extended to the region of Araucania, in addition to Nuble and Biobio. The state of emergency allows the military to be mobilized to fight the fires. In addition to the 23 deaths, 979 people have been injured in connection with the fires. Earlier it was reported that 16 of them were seriously injured. There is currently a heat wave in Chile with temperatures as high as 40 degrees, making it more difficult to control the fires. (NTB)
