At 12 o’clock, the emergency warning goes off on your mobile phone again – and typhoons over the whole country are loud – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Emergency alert on mobile should familiarize us with how it can be experienced to receive an emergency alert. In addition, it must ensure that the system works as it should. – The test is designed to be as similar as possible to a real situation, but that the text in the notice itself will be different. That’s according to director of the Directorate for Social Security and Preparedness (DSB), Elisabeth Aarsæther. Minister of Justice and Emergency Situations Emilie Enger Mehl also says it is important to be able to warn of a potential crisis quickly and clearly throughout the country. Minister of Justice and Emergency Preparedness Emilie Enger Mehl says it is important that more people ensure that they have updated software on their mobile phones so that even more people can receive emergency alerts. Photo: William Jobling / news – The new possibility is a big boost for social security, something that is particularly important in the demanding situation in terms of security policy that we are now in. Fast and secure communication about danger or crisis to the population provides more security, says Enger Mehl. Hopefully your phone will also ring at 12 o’clock on Wednesday. Many did not receive a notification last time. The emergency notification will go out to all newer and updated phones that are connected to 4G or 5G. The warning is sent out as a radio signal and the mobile phone must therefore be of a newer type and have the latest update to be able to receive this signal. But when the emergency alert was tested the first time, on 14 June 2023, many people did not receive the alert on their mobile phone. – We examined many of these cases more closely, and the main reasons for the lack of reception were either that the phone was too old or that he did not have the necessary updates, explains Aarsæther. Director of DSB, Elisabeth Aarsæther, will specify the importance of having an up-to-date telephone in order to receive emergency alerts this time. Photo: Øystein Otterdal/news / news Surveys following the test in June show that 78 per cent of the population received the emergency warning. – We saw after the previous test that many people we were in dialogue with thought they had recently updated their phone. But when we investigated more closely, we saw that the updates were not that recent after all. – In particular, there were many young people who had new mobile phones, but older software, adds Aarsæther. So to get the notification this time, you must have a completely updated phone. It is not enough to just download an update, you also have to install it. And in order not to receive the notification, you must have the mobile phone switched off or in airplane mode. These units can receive emergency alerts Android phones with operating system Android 11 or newer Smartwatches and phones that have Android GO support key from Android 13 and newer Apple phones that are iPhone 8 or newer and that are updated with iOS 16.2 or newer Apple watch that is updated with watchOS 9.2 or newer Smartwatches that use wearOS (DSB.) Alerts you to seek information Twice a year, the civil defense tests its notification system. On the second Wednesday in the months of January and June, ular typhoons over the whole country. This happens at the same time as the emergency alert on mobile is to be tested. – As both typhoons and emergency alerts on mobile phones are part of Norway’s population alert, it is natural to test these at the same time. The facility is being tested to uncover technical errors and to familiarize people with the sound and signal. The signal consists of three series of honks with a one-minute break between the series. This means that you must seek information that is, for example, given on radio, TV and the authorities’ websites. At the same time as the mobile emergency alert is to be tested, an alarm goes off in the Civil Defense’s typhoons. Photo: Midtnytt / news
