Asks the oil fund for help to save Norwegian ice hockey – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

It has been a terrible late summer for the Norwegian Ice Hockey Association. In August, the news came that all national team activities would be closed. Many had hoped that a new sponsorship agreement for the elite series would bring new income to Norwegian ice hockey. It never came. For the first time since 2004, the elite series in ice hockey is without a main sponsor. – It is no secret that we are in a crisis in many areas, says ice hockey president Tage Pettersen. BEFORE THE START OF THE SEASON: All the clubs in the elite series for men gathered before the start of the season. Photo: Anders Engeland / news – A country that Norway must find funds The Norwegian Ice Hockey Association lost 9 million in 2022. That is the reason for the drastic cuts in the national team. – We have been too poor at working to create market income and too poor control on the expenditure side. The sum of it is that we are in a terrible dilemma that we have to work our way out of, says ice hockey president Pettersen. – It is a shame that you end up in such a situation. 9 million in deficit is completely incomprehensible. To blame the higher prices and that it is more expensive to travel is just nonsense, says long-time national team player Aleksander Bonsaksen to news. – It’s also embarrassing. I got a lot of calls when the national team was shut down. That shouldn’t be possible in such a rich country, says Bonsaksen. – A country like Norway has to find funds for a struggling national team. If we can’t manage that as a society, I think it’s tragic. Even if it is a bad move on the part of the association, you have to be able to help an association with a broken back, says Patrick Thoresen. STORHAMAR PROFILE: Patrick Thoresen. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB – How then? – Either large companies with a passion for Norwegian sport or measures from the government. There should be money in the oil fund to contribute something, Thoresen replies. Both Thoresen and Bonsaksen believe the dramatic cuts are worst for the young, who lose valuable combat training against international opposition. Little help from the Government But the Government has little extra funds to draw from. news has asked the Ministry of Culture and Equality whether it is appropriate to save the association’s finances. – The Ministry of Culture and Equality provides an annual grant to the Norwegian Sports Confederation. A significant part of this grant is redistributed to special associations that are members of NIF. The Norwegian Ice Hockey Association therefore already receives an annual government grant for its activities, writes State Secretary Erlend Hanstveit in an e-mail to news. The hockey president acknowledges that the situation is difficult, but may have better news to share in a bit. He tells news that several “positive forces” are at work to limit the damage for the rest of the year. This may mean that national team activity resumes. – There are several players who want to put money on the table for us to implement some of what we have canceled for the national teams, says Tage Pettersen to news. Haaland has jumped on the viral trend 00:59 Pulls on the smiley face after election questions 00:56 Hangeland is the national team’s expert on tattoos and hair loss 00:54 What did you think of this free kick variation? 00:34 Show more
