Asking for five years in prison for the teacher accused of abuse – news Vestland

The man in his 30s is accused of assaulting seven boys. He was the contact teacher for several of the offended children. Prosecutor Celin Hauge Andersen asks that the defendant be sentenced to prison for five years and six months. She called the teacher’s actions “cynical and calculated”. – This has escalated over time. He has tested the children’s limits, seen who was compliant and “allowed” the actions, Andersen said during the proceedings in Hordaland district court. Pupil detained in the classroom One of the boys was detained and subjected to abuse in the classroom twice when the other pupils had recess. The act falls under the section on aggravated rape of children under 14 years of age. In advance, the teacher pulled down the curtains in front of the windows in the room, which the prosecutor believes shows that he planned the assault. The boy explained that what he was exposed to felt “disgusting”. – He said that he and I should keep it between the two of us, he explained. His parents wept as his statement was played in court. Police lawyer and prosecutor in the case, Celin Hauge Andersen, calls the actions to which the teacher has subjected his children calculated and cynical. She asks that he be sentenced to five and a half years in prison. Photo: Synne Lykkebø Hafsaas / news Rivers groped when they asked for help The teacher is also accused of groping six other boys in several places on their bodies on bare skin. The boys have explained that they were touched when they asked for help in the classroom. – It happens several times and every week. Some people experience this every other day, says Hauge. At one point, the students must have confronted the teacher and asked: “Why are you doing this?” – Prosecutors often say sorry, but continue anyway, she says. He is also accused of assaulting a boy for whom he was a coach. The boy quit the club because of what he was exposed to. – A tragic case The defendant pleads guilty. – This is a tragic case that has affected many, says the defendant’s defender, lawyer Einar Råen. During the proceedings, he pointed out that his client has been harboring a dark, dark secret for many years. And that it has bothered him. At the same time, the raw problematizes the lack of help for the client in society. He emphasizes that the defendant did not get help before he came to Bergen prison. When the teacher was arrested last year, he was in possession of at least 2,300 images and 12 videos that sexualise children. He has admitted that he has downloaded such material from the time he was around thirteen, until he was arrested. – He has not kept, shared or discussed such material with others. He has acted alone, and that is what he will be judged for, says Råen. The defendant’s defender Einar Råen calls the case “tragic”. Photo: Synne Lykkebø Hafsaas / news – Confused and very disappointed Public Prosecutor Cecilie Wallevik asks that the defendant be sentenced to pay NOK 570,000 in restitution to the victims in the case. She emphasizes the seriousness of the fact that the children risked being subjected to sexual abuse when they asked for help. – He was a well-liked teacher. Several expressed that it was very stupid that he was the one who did this. The children were confused and very disappointed, says Wallevik. Public assistance lawyer Cecilie Wallevik asks that the teacher be sentenced to pay around NOK 570,000 to the offended children in the case. Photo: Synne Lykkebø Hafsaas / news Four cases of abuse in one year In just one year, there have been at least four cases of abuse against children in schools or kindergartens in Bergen. Municipal director Marius Arnason Bøe in the city council’s department for kindergartens, schools and sports says that there is no reason to believe that there are more abuse cases in the city than there are elsewhere. – It hurts a lot every time you bring up such matters. At the same time, it is much better that they come forward than that they are allowed to continue, he says. Part of the reason why there are many cases of abuse in Bergen is that there are good routines for detecting them, he believes. Want to raise the competence of all employees Now the competence of all employees at the schools in Bergen must be increased. The aim is to prevent and uncover sexual abuse. Among other things, the course will cover what the employees should do if they discover abuse and their obligations to report it. He emphasizes that it is difficult to predict who are potential abusers. – A weakness with the police certificate is that it only looks backwards. At the same time, it only shows previous offenses in Norway. Not abroad, he says. He does not think more adults in the classroom or rules that adults should not be alone with children is a realistic measure to prevent abuse. Marius Arnason Bøe is municipal director in the city council’s department for kindergartens, schools and sports. Photo: Synne Lykkebø Hafsaas / news
