Asking for eight months in prison for a female teacher accused of sending nude videos to students – news Vestland

Police attorney and prosecutor Eli Valheim initially submitted a request for ten months’ unconditional imprisonment. Since the proceedings have taken a long time, Valheim submitted a claim that the punishment will be eight months in prison. The prosecutor also asked that the woman’s phone be confiscated, and that the woman be ordered to pay compensation. – What is aggravating in the case is that she has had contact with three of them in her job as a teacher, and has defied the fact that she should not have contact with students, says Valheim. The prosecutor in Hordaland District Court also referred the head of department at the school, who had conveyed that the woman should not have contact with pupils, but that she should be a clear adult. – The defendant explained that students test boundaries, and it is clear that the woman has a problem with setting boundaries when she responds to messages. The accused woman denies criminal liability. Defense attorney Anette Vangsnes Askevold basically asks that the woman be acquitted. According to the indictment, the woman must have sent a nude photo and video to four students. She also allegedly tried to bribe and threaten one of the students by saying that he would get top marks if he did not spread the material. According to the indictment, the woman also threatened the offended party with sending people after him if he showed the videos she had sent to someone. – I think the four victims give a credible explanation. It goes without saying that it was a well-liked teacher that they were worried about, said the prosecutor. Police lawyer and prosecutor Eli Valheim. Photo: Oskar Rennedal / news Thought she was hacked The woman has previously explained that she thinks sexualized pictures and videos she sold on Snapchat went astray and were spread to her students. On the last court day, the woman said that she had sold the picture to grown men whom she knew. It should not have been on websites such as Onlyfans or the like. The defendant has said that she was hacked, which the police believe is unlikely. The prosecutor stated that data from Snapchat shows that others had not been logged in, or that the location data had changed, as the defendant had explained. – Her explanation is not credible and is also refuted, said the prosecutor. Defense attorney Askevold thought that the defendant may have understood it to mean that she had been hacked. The defense also pointed out that the accused has testified. – She has not been caught in a lie, this is a misunderstanding, says Askevold. I think the videos were wrong. On the last day in court, the woman explained that she felt threatened. That people have written in the comment field that they should find her and blame her for being a pedophile. She said it was burdensome to be in the situation, and that she understands it is also burdensome for those offended in the case. Defense attorney Askevold submitted that the woman, for example, has not initiated conversations with the victim. She believes that some witness statements speak in favor of the defendant. Askevold believes evidence shows that a video has been saved several times, and also brought up the fact that the victim should have said they had not shared the material. – There are more who argue that it is pictures and videos that are going astray and that it is others who are sending them, says Askevold. The defense asks for an acquittal. She asks that the woman not be punished for having contact on Snap, or for having been visited by students. She believes that defending oneself should not be aggravating. – It is relevant to assess what violations are involved, says Askevold and talk about what type of images and videos were in this case. If the woman receives a sentence, the defender asks for a short conditional sentence, and when it comes to liability for damages, the defender believes that there is no basis for this. Asking for compensation Assistance lawyer Cecilie Wallevik, who represents three of the offended boys, submitted a claim that compensation should be paid. Among other things, for threats that the defendant is said to have directed at the victim. This is in addition to the fact that the victim has received sexually offensive material from what is supposed to be a trusted person. Wallevik thought this had been burdensome. She thought it could be probable that the boys have suffered psychological damage from the case, and believes that the compensation claim for one should be NOK 25,000 and NOK five thousand for each of the other two. Lawyer Cecilie Wallevik represents three of the offended boys. Photo: Oskar Rennedal / news Lawyer Erik Johan Mjelde, who is the legal representative for one of the victims, believes that the court can assume that an intentional act was committed. He also presented whether damage may have been done to the client, that he has had a negative effect. – The point is that this comes from a teacher he has not chosen to have contact with, he cannot opt ​​out of this. In addition, there is a teacher he likes and has contact with. That makes it more serious. Mjelde believes that the restitution compensation for the client should be at the court’s discretion. Erik Johan Mjelde is a legal aid lawyer for one of the offended parties. Photo: news Published 18.06.2024, at 10.18 Updated 18.06.2024, at 14.04
