Asking for an internal emergency meeting about the Moxnes case – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

The Rødt leader has been in trouble after he stole a pair of Hugo Boss sunglasses at Gardermoen two weeks ago. Yesterday, Moxne’s school court stood before the press and apologized for what happened to both party members and others. But county leader Kjell Oldeide in Sogn og Fjordane believes the party must now become more involved in the matter. To news’s ​​question whether he has confidence in Moxnes, who, in addition to the theft itself, has changed his explanations on several points in recent days, he replies: – I think it is natural now that the national board, as the party’s highest body, discusses and concludes in this the case. Between national meetings, the national board is the highest body in the political parties. COUNTY COUNCIL: County leader Kjell Oldeide in Sogn og Fjordane Rødt wants the Moxnes case into the party’s bodies. Photo: Raudt Sogn og Fjordane “As quickly as possible” Through the media, Moxnes has received broad support among Storting politicians, county leaders and central board members news has been in contact with. He still gets that. But Oldeide would like to have the matter included in the party’s formal bodies. – Only the national board can give a qualified answer about confidence in the party leader. Moxnes has stated that he will listen to the party’s position on trust. Only the national board can answer that, says the county leader, and adds – It should of course happen as quickly as possible. Yesterday the manager in Hordaland Rødt said the following. – He is undoubtedly a good leader for Rødt, but we can’t stand any more surprises in this matter, said county leader Bridget Penny for Rødt in Hordaland to news. Oldeide in Sogn og Fjordane yesterday expressed confidence in Moxnes and pointed out that the party leader had received his punishment and apologized publicly. – As party leader, he still has my trust, but with a scratch in the otherwise spotless paint, he said. When he met the press on Saturday, Moxnes explained that he has not considered resigning as party leader. – I am dependent on the trust of Rødt to be party leader. It is up to the party and its members to assess, said the Rødt leader. – I am not clinging to the stool, but I have not considered resigning. – Terrible handling news has today been in contact with a number of central Red politicians. Despite the fact that Moxnes has changed his explanations in the case several times, he still has solid support internally. TERRIBLE: Central board member Hannah Berg. Photo: Christian Nicolai Bjørke / news – I think the case has been handled terribly clumsily on Bjørnar’s part. What he has done is wrong, and it is good that he has received his punishment, says central board member Hannah Berg in Fredrikstad. – I still have confidence in him as party leader, and have not registered that others in the leadership think otherwise. – He has my trust. As far as further handling of the matter is concerned, it is up to the party secretary, says Lætif Akber in the central board from Arendal. UNLUCKY: Central board member Mailiss Solheim-Åkerblom. Photo: Ihne Pedersen – Despite a very embarrassing and unfortunate incident, I still have full confidence in Moxnes as party leader, says central board member Mailiss Solheim-Åkerblom from Bergen. The county leaders who have answered news’s ​​inquiry today also continue to have confidence in the party leader. – We have just held a national meeting where Bjørnar received renewed confidence for two years. I can’t say that I notice a huge increase in distrust because of this case. But there have been some comments, says county leader Thina Aarsund in Nordland. – As I see it, there is no reason for him to evaluate his position now. He has acknowledged the actual circumstances and taken the punishment for it, says county leader Mona Kristin Nilsen in Akershus. CONFIDENCE: The Rødt leaders still believe that Bjørnar Moxnes is the right person to lead the party forward. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB Changed explanation It was during a private trip, on the way to a wedding abroad, that Moxnes took a pair of Hugo Boss sunglasses with him from a duty-free shop in Gardermoen. The incident on 16 June only became known last Friday. It then became clear that Moxnes had been fined NOK 3,000, which he had accepted. According to the report, Moxnes acted with intent. While the Rødt leader in his first comments about the case to Romerikes Blad portrayed the whole thing as an accidental accident, he admitted late on Friday evening to having torn off the price tag on the sunglasses and put them in his luggage. This happened before he was confronted by a security guard at the airport. Only yesterday at 12 o’clock, almost a day after the incident first became known, did Moxnes appear before the press to explain himself about the matter. He then apologized both for the theft itself and for not giving a more complete version of the incident as soon as it became known. At this press conference, Moxnes said that when he was approached at Gardermoen, he took out his glasses and gave them to the guard. But according to news’s ​​information, Moxnes first denied that he was wearing glasses, when he was stopped by a security guard. He is said to have been taken away from the site by a security guard. According to what news understands, the glasses must have been taken out in a different place than where he was confronted. Moxnes explained to news last night that he was in a state of shock when he was confronted by the security guard, and that he understands if he did not appear cooperative.
