As of today, Bakhmut is not occupied by the Russian Federation – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– There are no longer simple questions, nor simple answers. Because we have a complicated neighbor. But we continue to fight, thanks to our brave people, answered the president when asked about Bakhmut. It was rarely quiet before the president entered the rostrum. He started by saying Slava Ukraina”. Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the heroes. – Even though our enemy has not used nuclear weapons, the devastation is similar to that after the atomic bomb here in Hiroshima. Zelenskyj came with an encouragement to stand together against the ambition to go to war. – We dream of rebuilding the country again. We dream of getting our territories back. For that to happen, the ambition for war must die out. I am in Hiroshima so that the world can hear our cry for peace. Clear signal from Biden – the G7 countries stand unwavering in their support for Ukraine. Russia started this war, and they can end it today, President Biden said at a press conference after the summit. Biden also said that Russian President Putin cannot break their support for Ukraine. US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi met on Sunday in Hiroshima, Japan, on the last day of the G7 summit. An important topic was what support Ukraine can get from the G7 leaders. At the meeting, Zelenskyj was promised new weapons, and assurances that Ukrainian pilots will receive training on F-16 combat aircraft. The US should also have given the go-ahead for allies to deliver F-16 aircraft to Ukraine, writes the BBC. Ukraine has long desired combat aircraft of the F-16 type. It is not yet clear what configurations flights to Ukraine will have. Photo: LUKASZ GLOWALA / Reuters – We are doing everything we can to strengthen Ukraine’s defense, Biden said after the meeting. At the same time, the American president announced a new military package of up to 375 million dollars for Ukraine. – It includes ammunition, artillery and armored vehicles, said Biden. For several months, Zelenskyj has been asking for combat aircraft, but the US has hesitated to give permission for the American-made aircraft to be delivered to Ukraine. – We have worked for a long time to get the outcome we want. We are grateful for what we get to strengthen our resilience in the air, Hawk planes, Nasams. But that is not enough, said Zelensky. Military and political gains It is not clear how this will happen, when it will happen and how many planes Ukraine will get. It is also not clear what equipment the aircraft will receive and what kind of weapons they may have. In any case, the F-16 aircraft will mean a major step up for the air force in Ukraine, which until now has only had fighters produced in the Soviet era of the type Mig-19 and SU-27. There are military and political gains for Zelenskyj at this G7 meeting. At the same time, he has met the leaders of Brazil and India, and presented them with his vision, his plans for possible peace. These are countries that have not yet condemned the invasion. Confusion over Bakhmut After eight months of fighting, the leader of Russia’s mercenaries Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed that the battle for Bakhmut had been won. On Saturday evening, the Russian Ministry of Defense also claimed that Bakhmut is under Russian control, according to the Tass news agency. According to Interfax, President Putin congratulated the soldiers for taking control of the city. Presidents Biden and Zelenskyj talk together on the last day of the G7 meeting. Here the Ukrainian president was asked about Bakhmut. Photo: AFP President Zelenskyj was asked if he agreed that the battle was lost, during a meeting with Biden in Hiroshima. The response has caused confusion as to whether Zelenskyy confirmed the battle or not. – Is Bakhmut still in Ukraine’s hands? The Russians say they have taken Bakhmut, asked the journalist. – I think not, but there is nothing left, they destroyed everything. There are no buildings. It is a tragedy, but today Bakhmut is only in our hearts. There is nothing on this base, just drones and dead Russians. Later, a spokesperson clarified that Zelenskyj was talking about the city being destroyed.
