Arvid and Turid refuse to move for the mainland connection in Færder – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– I start to cry just thinking about it, says Turid Jespersen. – We have built the house stone by stone, and we have no intention of abandoning that. To other people a house is just a house, but to us it is not. It is our home, says Arvid Jespersen. The couple’s house is in the middle of the construction plans for the new mainland link. It was the newspaper Øyene that first mentioned the case. Debate for several decades The couple have raised two girls in their home on Nøtterøy in Færder municipality. Now they also have seven grandchildren who come to visit the house they have owned for over fifty years. For as many decades, the debate about a new mainland connection between Tønsberg and Færder has raged. The investigations have cost over one hundred million kroner, but time and time again the plans have run aground. Now it is closer to the start of construction than ever. A LOT OF TRAFFIC: The only connection between Tønsberg and Nøtterøy is heavily trafficked. Photo: Veslemøy Prøis / news The solution that has been adopted has a political majority both in Færder, Tønsberg and in the county. Bypakka, as it is also called, is intended to reduce car traffic through Norway’s oldest city, contribute to less congestion and, not least, increase the safety of the islanders. Nevertheless, there are several reefs in the sea. 30 homes must be razed to the ground for the adopted plan. Prices have increased since the price estimate in 2021 and the politicians have decided to go from a four-lane to a two-lane bridge. The road project will also cost the residents large sums in tolls. How much is not clear, but what is absolutely certain is that the controversial toll ring, which was shut down in 2016, will be resurrected. The illustration map shows that the bridge will be placed between Smørberg and Ramberg and provide an alternative connection to Nøtterøy. Photo: COWI/Vestfold and Telemark County Municipality This is the background A bridge is to be built between Smørberg in the heart of Tønsbergfjorden and Ramberg in Færder municipality. It must be redeemed approx. 30 properties to make it happen. The municipalities offer early redemption for these, and many houses have already been bought. New mainland connection is one of several projects in Bypakke Tønsberg region. The background for Bypakka is the need for a robust and socially safe mainland connection and the need to handle the increase in traffic from expected population growth. The project has its roots back to 2010, when an order came to carry out a so-called concept selection investigation. A mainland connection had been a topic in politics for several decades before that time. The earliest possible start of construction work will be in 2025, with the earliest possible road opening in 2029. In 2021, the mainland connection received an estimated price tag of NOK 4,178 million. This price must be updated as a result of uncertainty in the market. A toll will help finance the bridge. Tønsberg has previously had toll rings. It was established in 2004, and was fully paid off in 2016. Approximately 1/3 of the traffic on the Canal Bridge is transferred to the new bridge. It will relieve traffic on Nordre Nøtterøy and in the center of Tønsberg. About 14,500 vehicles will pass the bridge a day. Source: Vestfold and Telemark county council. 30 homes must give way When a zoning plan has been adopted, the county council has the right to acquire the land necessary to build a new road. Arvid and Turid fight to keep their house. – I chain myself if I have to, says Turid. – What do you think about having to move? – I can’t bear to think about that. Then I hope I’m dead. It is taking the heart out of our body. Must go above and beyond Mayor of Færder municipality Jon Sanness Andersen says he has great understanding that it is sad for them that it goes above and beyond. Mayor Jon Sanness Andersen says that a new mainland connection has been a topic for over 50 years. Photo: Veslemøy Prøis / news – They get to replace the value of their home, but it is clear that it is difficult. But if you were to build a road north of Nøtterøy, which is the case here, regardless of where we had built it, it would have affected someone. Not everyone is reluctant In the queue at the transition to the mainland, we meet Tom Nilsen. He is also one of the 30 home owners who have to give way to the bridge. Recently, he packed his moving load and sold the house to the municipality. POSITIVE: Tom Nilsen is positive that there will be a new mainland connection, even though he has had to sell his house to the municipality. Photo: Veslemøy Prøis / news – I think it’s perfectly fine. Now we have to finish and get started, so that we get an alternative solution. Although I don’t think the solution is the best, I am in favor of them solving the case. Tom has found a new place to live in Nøtterøy. – We have found a place we hope we can enjoy. Everyone must pay for the bridge A toll ring around Tønsberg is planned to finance part of the construction costs. Lawyer Kristoffer Colban Eriksen is involved in the case. Photo: Veslemøy Prøis / news Lawyer Kristoffer Colban Eriksen is voluntarily engaged on behalf of those who are directly affected. He believes that it is under-communicated how expensive it will cost the residents of Tønsberg and Færder. – If we take today’s rate of NOK 25 as a basis, we quickly reach an annual extra cost per family of NOK 15,000 and NOK 300,000 in total over 20 years. There will be large expenses for a family with small children who will deliver to school and leisure activities, he believes. Illustrative map of where the former toll has been located. Preliminary assessments by the county council are that the toll locations are well placed, but that they need to be adjusted somewhat to capture the new mainland connection with a circle around it. Photo: COWI/Vestfold and Telemark County Council Are you for or against the current plan for the mainland connection? I’m in favor I’m in favor, but don’t want tolls I’m against Show result I think most people are satisfied Mayor Jon Sanness Andersen explains that toll funding is needed for the social security of the Færder community. – If the canal bridge does not work, the Færder community will in practice come to a standstill. Many different solutions in the form of bridges and tunnels have been up for consideration. – This has been discussed for over 50 years, so now it is time for us to actually decide something. I think that most people are satisfied that we have now landed on the solution that has been chosen. Illustration of the bridge seen from Vear and towards the city Photo: Vestfold and Telemark County Council Disagree Jurist Kristoffer Colban Eriksen believes the opposite. – I have the opposite impression. My impression is that many agree with me that this is the most expensive and worst solution, which will cause more queues than today. Eriksen says that he is part of a citizens’ group which these days is working on formulating a new signature campaign and survey. – We will do a simple survey with yes and no – to form a picture of whether this is the solution people want or not.
