Artificial intelligence in Photoshop makes it easier to manipulate images – news Troms and Finnmark

– In the past it has been quite difficult, you have to have a certain understanding of how things work. But now you can just mark around what you want to remove, then you can just say, remove the person in the picture, and it will do it. That’s what photographer David Jensen says about Photoshop’s latest tool, which uses artificial intelligence (AI), to add or remove elements in an image. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Photographer David Jensen says that he himself will use the new tool that uses AI. Photo: Hanne Wilhelms / news Jensen believes that the tool can help photographers to change mistakes that have been made, for example by removing people you don’t want in the picture. He is clear that he will use the tool himself, among other things to convert height images to landscape images. – Now Photoshop has come up with a tool that can actually do the job for you in a minute, compared to what you might have spent an hour getting a picture to look really believable. With the help of the new tool, within a few minutes you can expand the image and, for example, add the northern lights. Editor in news Beta, Marius Arnesen, says that the new tool differs from normal editing in that it is now the computer that creates the content for us. He has been waiting for artificial intelligence to be built into traditional tools. Until now, it has been possible to use AI, called AI in English, through narrower services that require a lot of knowledge from the user. – Now it is built right into the tools that everyone knows. That makes it extremely much more accessible to extremely many more people. Editor in news Beta, Marius Arnesen, says it will be important that the media industry manages the tool in a good way. Photo: news Can have other consequences Manipulating images is nothing new. During a UN meeting in 1960, a photo of Nikita Khrushchev was edited to make it look like he was hitting the table with his shoe. In 2016, a well-known photographer was accused of photo fraud. The gray sky in housing advertisements is replaced by a blue sky. But measures are being taken to ensure that you are aware that an image has been altered, in 2022 it was required to mark all types of advertising with retouched people. Although Jensen has partly disagreed with the guidelines that came out last year, he believes that tagging images that have been heavily manipulated with AI could become a topic in the future. Associate professor in artificial intelligence at NTNU, Inga Strümke, considers Photoshop’s latest tool to be a smooth transition from existing manipulation tools. – I don’t necessarily see a sharp distinction between the change tools we have had available until now, and something that is based on machine learning, she says. Inge Strümke believes it is healthy if we become skeptical about the credibility of what we see. Photo: Mona Hauglid But the consequences can be different. – But it may be that it has a completely different effect if it becomes much easier to use or it looks very realistic. Then there can be consequences that are fundamentally different, says Strümke. – Must be more critical of images Jensen thinks it can be interesting to see what comes in the media in the future, especially in a news context. – I would definitely recommend following along a little extra, especially if some strange pictures appear. Perhaps think twice before drawing conclusions on news images that may not come from the most credible sources, says the Tromsø photographer. The editor at news Beta is also aware that it will be important for people to be critical of sources in the future. – We have to become more critical of sources, both those of us who work with this normally, but also children and young people, who are about to grow up in a society where you really soon cannot trust that something is real. Marius Arnesen has tried his hand at the new tool. He thinks he will use it a lot, but only for pictures that are not to be published. He describes it as a paradigm shift. – We can use it both very positively and very negatively. We who operate those tools must help define how we use them, says Arnesen. Editor-controlled media are subject to the Be Careful poster, which states that images used as documentation must not be altered in such a way as to create a false impression. Arnesen believes that photographers and media people must keep their tongues straight when it comes to ethics and how the tool is used. – We have been given a very powerful tool. We who work with it here must manage the tool correctly, he says. Strümke believes that tools like this can lead to less trust in the images you see. – What we are most afraid of is that people will look at pictures and think it is real, when it is not, she says. Strümke is clear that she thinks it is time to be more critical of sources, as it has long been a reality that people cannot tell the difference between real and fake goods. – If we become skeptical about the credibility of what we see, then it is only healthy. With a few simple keystrokes, photographer David Jensen can now remove and add elements to his images.
