Arrested for abuse of woman and horse

The surveillance video from a stable in August showed how a man sexually assaulted a horse. The police then said that they are stepping up the hunt for the horse abuser. Now they have arrested a man in his 20s for sexually assaulting a horse, as well as raping a young woman. At one of the stables, the assailant was caught on video camera. The accused’s defender, Andrea Wisløff, tells news that her client has been questioned and that he pleads not guilty. She says that she does not want to comment on the matter beyond that. It was Drammens Tidende that mentioned the case first. DNA traces found Several stables in the Lier area have also had an unwanted visit by a mysterious man. Odd Eriksen discovered that something was wrong when the stable door was suddenly open. – He entered a one-year-old mare. Then he moved on to another horse, and took with him a plastic can which he probably used to stand on. A man is caught on film outside the stables in Lier. Photo: Surveillance camera Eriksen eventually discovered more traces of the horse abuser. – It didn’t look like it in there. The horse had three ugly bleedings on the thigh, probably from fingers or a hard object. It was so bad that I didn’t know what to do, says the horse owner. Eriksen called the police, who turned up with two crime scene technicians. In the stable they found DNA traces. Published 06.09.2024, at 21.37 Updated 06.09.2024, at 21.40
