Around 200 canceled bus departures – Greater Oslo

11 January 2024 at 06:04 Around 200 bus departures canceled Just under 200 of Ruter’s bus departures in Oslo have been canceled on Thursday morning, according to an overview from the company. – The settings spread in the morning, but also in the afternoon today, says Ruter’s communications manager, Cathrine Myhren-Haugen. The cancellations and delays are due to the company’s lack of buses, so they cannot run all their departures, Myhren-Haugen explains. – The cold has been to blame for the challenges in the last week. Today it’s not as cold, but we have some follow-up errors from the last few days, she says. Ruter is in close dialogue with the companies that run the buses, and hopes that the situation will normalize soon. – It is difficult to predict, but travelers must at least be aware of canceled departures and delays even today, says the communications manager. They try to set departures on lines that have frequent departures, so that travelers will notice the settings as little as possible. In the last week, there have been problems with the electric buses in Oslo. They quickly run out of power and need to be charged more often.
