“Arne” visits the food platter inside the Larsen family every day – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The Larsen family were sleeping in the house on Nøtterøy when they were suddenly awakened by some noises from the hallway. – At first we thought it was the cats, says Mikael Larsen. But it was a completely different animal that had entered through the cat hatch. Being led up Down the hall, he found a hedgehog, which was looking at itself in the mirror. – “Arne” actually splashed his own reflection, says Larsen, and laughs a little. TAKE CARE OF THE “HEDGEHOG”: Brothers Eirik and Mikael Larsen have read up on the hedgehog’s needs. Photo: Helene Alsaker / news This was the first of several daily visits by the spiky creature, who has therefore been named “Arne”. He seems to be enjoying himself here, and perhaps that’s no wonder. With the Larsen family, he receives full service. They have read up on what the hedgehog needs, and he offers both water and food. And it’s not so stupid, because people like “Arne” may need a little help right now. OWN HOUSE: In the garden, “Arne” has even got his own little hedgehog house. It will protect him from badgers that lurk around the corners of the house. Photo: Helene Alsaker / news Concerned about the species Hedgehog is both protected and red-listed, and with good reason. That’s what Ingrid Fosse, leader of the voluntary organization Pinnsvinhjelpen, says. She fears that this species is currently suffering. – There is a big food shortage now. There are few insects, and the drought in Eastern Norway also means little to drink, she says. HEDGEHOG HELPER: Ingrid Fosse is the leader of Pinnsvinhjelpen, a voluntary organization that gives advice about hedgehogs. Photo: Ina-Kristin Lindin / news Fosse recommends that people put out a bowl of water and preferably some food. They can get the same dry food as cats and a little water. At the same time, she warns against an old myth. – They must NEVER get milk. When should you help a hedgehog? If you find an injured/sick hedgehog or a baby hedgehog, don’t ignore it. It needs help today. Tomorrow may be too late! Do not put it in the road ditch or under a hedge. Remember, these hedgehogs don’t have the luxury of time, they can’t wait. Hedgehogs may not show symptoms of illness/weakness/pain until they are very ill. wrap the hedgehog up with gloves, towels, scarf, mittens, t-shirt etc. and place it in a tall box. Hedgehogs are good at climbing. Place a towel over the hedgehog so it can hide. Veterinarians have a duty to help and can apply to the Danish Food Safety Authority to be reimbursed for expenses incurred in connection with an examination. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority covers the killing of sick or injured wild animals. Cases that require help: Animals lying still in open terrain, collisions, hedgehogs walking unsteadily, staggering, small hedgehogs born in summer, hedgehogs in autumn, hedgehogs with ticks, fly eggs or larvae. Hedgehogs caught in berries or football nets. Hedgehogs that lack spikes are prone to abuse. Source: The hedgehog aid Fosse believes the hedgehog “Arne” may have been visiting the family long before the people who live there discovered him. She emphasizes that hedgehogs are wild animals, and that you should never lock them up. There may also be cubs in the den. – It is important that it gets out again. Incredibly important. “Arne” arranges this himself. “Arne” or “Arnhild”? Because “Arne” has learned how to get through the cat flap. When he is full and satisfied, he rambles out again. The family has named the hedgehog “Arne”, although it could just as well be an “Arnhild”. – We think so, because he is a bit mischievous, says Larsen. Four weeks have passed since the Larsen family discovered their new tenant. They expect him to disappear again soon. – It’s very nice to have a friend who comes by and needs help, but who doesn’t require so much.
