Armand Duplantis beat Karsten Warholm in the 100 meters in Zurich – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– I have to give it to Mondo. He beat me, plain and simple. It was a good race. He was really fast from the starting blocks, says Karsten Warholm after the race. Shortly after the Olympics, Warholm was in action again. This time at an unusual distance, 100 meters flat. There he fought against the Swedish rod phenomenon Armand Duplantis. And Duplantis was superb and ran away with the victory easily. – Mondo wins! He also wins superbly. Warholm is not close at the end and has to compete in the Swedish national team outfit tomorrow, commented Jann Post. LOST: Karsten Warholm had to lose to his Swedish rival. Acid punishment: – F***, f***, f***! Yes, you read that right. Now a sour punishment awaits the Norwegian hurdler. Because there was more than honor and glory at stake. The loser of the competition had to compete in their rival’s kit on Thursday night. So it was the superstar from Ulsteinvik who got the “honour” of wearing the Swedish kit. – Damn, damn, damn, was his first reaction when he got the suit from Duplantis. He admits that he dislikes the loss. – It will be terrible, absolutely terrible, says Warholm to news. PAINFUL PUNISHMENT: Karsten Warholm must wear the Swedish kit in Thursday’s Diamond League race. Coach Leif Olav Alnes jokes about the kit in an interview after the race. – It will probably be a Swedish record in the 400 meter hurdles, he says with a grin. He will therefore have to wear the Swedish suit when he will run the 400 meter hurdles on Thursday evening. – Perhaps a bit “cocky” and stupid Although Warholm praises his competitor, he is not completely satisfied with his own efforts. – I was actually a bit behind from the start, and so I’m actually quite patient. I see him start to cave at the end, but so do I. He ran well, says the 28-year-old. As the Swede crossed the finish line, he looked to the side in superior style to look for Warholm. – I was a little ahead of him, so I had time to see where he was. It was perhaps a bit “cheesy” and stupid. But you do something and have fun, says Duplantis to news. Warholm grins at the Duplantis gesture. – I’ll take it with me. It is legal. I had decided that you have to be hard-headed. You have to report a little and then you have to put up with a little back. It’s okay, I would have done exactly the same, says Warholm about the look. Duplantis ran in at a time of 10.37, while the Norwegian rival ran in at 10.47. Before they got ready at the starting blocks, it was pure circus when the two superstars were presented to the audience. The two went out a bit like you see when boxers get ready for a fight. Coach Alnes had dressed for the occasion with a tight “condom suit” and a Viking helmet on his head. – It is an old case from the 90s. It was a wish from Karsten, Alnes tells news. Warholm with the best time beforehand Both have admittedly some experience with 100 meters from their younger days. Karsten Warholm last ran 100 meters in a competition on 28 January 2017. Then he ran in a time of 10.49 in an indoor event in Florø, which is also his best time over the distance. Outdoors, he has 10.52 as his best result back in 2016. – I thought I had less than 10.40 in me. I probably have that on the right day, but today I wasn’t sharp enough. Then it will be like that. But it was a personal record in any case, says Warholm. Armand Duplantis’ fastest time in 100 meters is from 26 April 2018. Then he ran in a time of 10.57. The Norwegian record is 9.99. It was taken by Jaysuma Saidy Ndure in 2011. Warholm has sought advice from the fastest man of all time in the hope of beating his Swedish rival. – I know how to start in starting blocks, but starting blocks in hurdles are something a little different to 100 metres. I have tried to adjust it a little, so that it is a little more like 100 meters. I actually sent my block start to Usain … Bolt. Want to know what he had to say? Warholm said at a press conference on Wednesday. – He said: “You shouldn’t go out of the blocks, you have to squeeze”, said Warholm, to laughter from the audience. Published 04/09/2024, at 21.00 Updated 04.09.2024, at 23.02
