Arild Hermstad won the MDG campaign – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

26 October 2022 at 19:35 Arild Hermstad won the MDG battle Acting party leader of the Green Party, Arild Hermstad, narrowly won the battle for second place on the municipal election list in Oslo. Hermstad (left) was challenged by Oslo’s Finance Council Einar Wilhelmsen at the nomination meeting on Wednesday evening, but won with 111 to 98 votes. Hermstad is also the clear favorite to become MDG’s new party leader at the extraordinary national meeting in a month’s time. Oslo’s environment and transport council Sirin Stav was unanimously applauded as top of the list. MDG received 15.3% of the vote in Oslo at the 2019 election and sits on the city council together with the Labor Party and SV.
