Arild Hermstad speaks at MDG’s national meeting – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

At 12 o’clock on Friday, the new party leader Arild Hermstad opens the ball. Great expectations are attached to his first party leader’s speech to the Green Party’s (MDG) national meeting. Self-criticism after the election in 2021 Hermstad was elected as the party’s new leader in November 2022. The party was characterized by shock and disappointment after the general election in 2021. It was MDG’s best election result ever, but expectations had been much greater. Many had thought that it would be the party’s really big breakthrough, but they ended up just below the barrier and had to make do with three representatives in the Storting and far less power than expected. It was current party leader Arild Hermstad, although he led the evaluation afterwards. The report highlighted that the MDG appeared as a “one-issue party” and that they focused too much on problems and too little on solutions. Hermstad has a lot to prove The new party leader has a lot to prove this weekend. When he was elected, Hermstad promised that he would get the party over the barrier and make a “fallback election” in the local elections in the autumn of 2023. The party is characterized by heated discussions about what kind of role climate policy should have in the environmental party. After the internal evaluation, several members have a desire to spread things out and talk about things other than the environment, while some fear losing their identity as the greenest party in the country. The party is also facing a local election at a time with lower climate commitment now than for a long time, we are to believe a number of polls.
