Arfan Bhatti charged in Pakistan – Latest news – news

28 April 2023 at 20:05 Arfan Bhatti charged in Pakistan Arfran Bhatti is charged with planning the terror attack in Oslo on 25 June. It was VG who first told us that Bhatti had also been charged in Pakistan, and that he wanted to stay there. According to the website, Bhatti (45) was formally charged and detained in the country on 14 April. It is not yet clear what he is charged with in Pakistan. – He has not been informed about that yet, nor has he been made aware of the Norwegian charges from the authorities, says Bhatti’s defender, John Christian Elden. Elden says that the extradition process has not started, but that Bhatti has expressed that he wants to stay in Pakistan. Arfan Bhatti traveled to Pakistan shortly before the Oslo shooting on 25 June 2022. Bhatti is charged with complicity in serious terrorism. Zaniar Matapour is charged with the shooting itself.
