Are you tired of rain and low temperatures? Then you must enjoy the day – news Vestland

The last few days have been characterized by rain and low temperatures in several cities in the country. Today it looks like many are getting a break. But already on Friday the thunderstorm is back, we must believe state meteorologist Lars Andreas Selberg. He can not promise when the real good summer comes. The next week will be characterized by a low pressure from the coast south of Stadt and all the way up to Troms. The temperature will be 10 to 15 degrees, but it will not be the largest amounts of precipitation. Opplett will experience aust in Finnmark. Southerners and Australians will get a taste of summer, but the degree will not go much above 20 degrees. – As a westerner, it is definitely summer for me, says the state meteorologist. State meteorologist Lars Andreas Selberg can not answer when the real summer comes. Photo: Meteorological Institute / screenshot Twitter Not much reminiscent of July And if you take a trip around the country, it is difficult to find traces of the summer. “Worst” is perhaps at 1800 meters in Jotunheimen. Wednesday afternoon there was snow in the air, nine seconds of wind and around one to two degrees. For July, it is not uncommon for one or two days to be like this. – But as stable bad weather as it has been so far this summer, it has been a long time since we have had, says owner of Juvasshytta, Silje Vole. Vole reports that even though the weather is far from what one expects in July, there are plenty of those who take the trip from the cabin and up on Galdhøpiggen. Even in snow and sleet on Wednesday afternoon, people took the trip up to Norway’s roof. Photo: Marie Asdal / private Same if it is raining or sun West in the country in Førde, Linn Elina Skjerven is working as a traffic conductor. It has been our big part of Wednesday, in a pouring rain. – And it works just as well, she says with a laugh. Fortunately, she is dressed in good rainwear. For her, it is a bit the same whether it is raining or sunny. – Either it’s too cold, or it’s too hot, she says, while she waves the next car. Along the coast it is expected to be overcast weather, but so much rain is not expected next week. Photo: Kasper Valestrand / news No high pressure waiting. In Arendal, Jarle I. Kvam is on a trip out in the city. But summer was not to be found on the Norwegian sunny coast either. The sun has come and it has blown a little, but the great heat has not. – If one then did not find a sheltered place in the sun, he said. And state meteorologist Lars Andreas Selberg can in no way promise when the heat will return. – I can not see hints of a proper high pressure, he says. The sun arrived in Arendal today. But it was not hot. Photo: Jarle I. Kvam / private
