Applying for bail – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

On Tuesday, Arfan Bhatti will appear in court in Islamabad. Here, his Pakistani defender Zia ur Rehman will submit an application for bail, he informs news. The court will decide whether he will be released from custody on bail, and will assess the risk of escape, his Norwegian lawyer John Christian Elden told news yesterday. The well-known Norwegian Islamist Arfan Bhatti was charged last September with complicity in the terror attack in Oslo last June. Since then, he has been internationally wanted. Norwegian police have been trying to get Bhatti extradited from Pakistan since November last year. He has been there since 8 June 2022. Outside the court premises in Islamabad. Photo: news The court hearing tomorrow is the third Bhatti will attend. Only in a month or two will the whole case be taken up, with the presentation of evidence, which has been sent from the Norwegian police. Among other things, a dialogue from the messaging service Whatsapp, where a Norwegian employee from the E-service pretended to be an Islamist. In the dialogue, he has chatted with what the police believe is Arfan Bhatti. Outside the court premises in Islamabad. Photo: news Lawyer Rehman in Pakistan told news on Monday that he does not think the evidence against Bhatti is good enough. The circumstances Bhatti is charged with carry a penalty of 30 years. He was arrested by the Pakistani authorities on 26 September last year. Arfan Bhatti believes that the charge is baseless and that he is innocent. He says via his lawyer in Pakistan that he would like to come to Norway voluntarily, but does not want to be escorted by the police.
