Appealing the Millehaugen judgment – Latest news – news

22 September 2023 at 11:00 Appealing the Millehaugen verdict The prosecution disagrees with the district court that he should be released on probation. Stig Millehaugen has committed serious violence over many years, including two murders 17 years apart. During his sentence, he has repeatedly escaped from prison and breached the conditions of his leave – the last time in the summer of 2022. He has never before been able to return to society without committing new serious acts of violence. Although the risk of recidivism after many years in prison has been reduced, it has not been sufficiently reduced. The prosecution believes that his return to society must be gradual. We do not agree that he should be transferred from a high security prison and directly out to a parole facility. This is what the Oslo State Attorney’s Office writes in a press release. – It is an appeal that is not compatible with the professional advice. The advice is clear. He has nothing more to gain from being in prison. He has to get out to be rehabilitated and be able to be brought back into society, says defense attorney Morten Furuholmen to news.
