Appeal acquittal of police officer accused of violence in Kongsberg – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The Bureau has today informed the parties that the prosecution will appeal the Buskerud District Court’s judgment on 7 July 2023, the Bureau writes on its website on Wednesday: “Following orders from the Attorney General, a full appeal will be filed. It is in line with the recommendation the Bureau sent the attorney general earlier this week”. Defense attorneys John Christian Elden and Heidi Reisvang of Elden Advokatfirma tell news that the case is about an important question about the use of force during the police’s performance of duty. However, they are of the opinion that the district court’s judgment is very thorough and correct. – The court acquitted our client of both criminal and compensatory liability because they found that the official actions of the policeman were within the framework of what is legal for a policeman. Be prepared Last time it became clear that the police officer was acquitted by the Buskerud district court. The police officer’s defenders John Christian Elden and Heidi Reisvang. Photo: Tordis Gauteplass / news Elden and Reisvang write that the accused police officer is disappointed by the appeal. – Although our client has been prepared that there may be an appeal in the case, he is naturally disappointed that the judgment is being appealed and that he has to prepare for a new round of court and the media attention that comes with it, they write. Victim: – Relieved Kevin Simensen was the one who was hit repeatedly in the head and body at the Esso station on 30 October last year. He tells news that he was “shocked and disappointed” when the police officer was acquitted by the Buskerud district court. – I’m relieved now and think it’s appropriate. There is a reason why I reported him, says Simensen to news. The two victims in the case, Kristian Pablo Teigen (left) and Kevin Simensen. Photo: Hans-Kristian Rangnes / news – Now I hope the case will be thoroughly reviewed in the Court of Appeal, then we will see what the outcome will be, he says. Simensen’s mate Kristian Pablo Teigen is also offended in the case. He was beaten with a baton in the thigh. Their assistance lawyer Morten Kjensli says he expected an appeal. – My comment is that it did not come as a surprise, it was expected that the Attorney General would do just that. In other words, it is not the Attorney General who appeals, but it is he who ordered the Bureau to appeal the judgment to the Court of Appeal, he tells news. Simensen and Teigen have also decided to appeal the compensation claim.
