Ap wants to break the absence limit – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

AUF leader Astrid Hoem tells news that it is heading towards a victory for the youth party on this point. – Now it is proposed to replace the current absence limit. It is a really big AUF breakthrough that generations of AUF-ers have fought for. It was VG who mentioned the matter first. Removing the 10 percent limit The absence limit was introduced by the Solberg government in 2016. The aim was to prevent truancy. The rule means that students in upper secondary school do not get grades in a subject if they have more than 10 per cent absence. There were many exceptions during the corona pandemic. AUF leader Astrid Hoem says the decision means that the 10 percent limit will be removed. – The right-wing’s absence limit of 10 per cent must be removed. Instead, we shall have a less strict and rigid national absence regulation, says Hoem. She believes that the Labor Party now clearly states that no percentage limit should be set for absenteeism. At the same time, AUF does not want to return to a practice where there were different absence rules from municipality to municipality, and to some extent from school to school. Want different rules – We say yes to an absence regulation, but no to the right-wing absence limit, says Hoem. In the unanimous proposal “Presence and presence” from the editorial committee it is stated: “The Labor Party is concerned with the students’ presence and presence at school, because you learn more when you are present in a class together with good teachers and fellow students. In light of the government’s proposal that everyone should have the right to complete upper secondary education without a time limit, it is necessary to look at how the absence rules should be designed for absence and attendance so that it is better aligned with future legislation. Therefore, the Labor Party will replace the current absence limit in upper secondary education and introduce a new and improved national absence regulation that provides a clear framework for pupils’ attendance at school. Want less bureaucracy A new set of regulations must be less rigid and bureaucratic for the school, the teacher, the pupil and those who have to certify 208 absence reports. The knowledge base about absence and attendance in primary school is currently too poor. Therefore, the Labor Party wants to strengthen the acquisition of knowledge, so that we can meet the development of involuntary school absences in a knowledge-based way (…). Replace the current absence limit in upper secondary education with a new absence regulation for attendance that is less rigid and bureaucratic, fairer for pupils and aims for increased completion in upper secondary school. Say no to the absence limit in secondary school” The proposal still needs to be formally adopted at the national meeting, but it is expected that it will go through.
