Ap strongly back in the first city survey this year – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The measurement shows that Ap has a decline of 8.2 percentage points, from 31.9 to 23.7 per cent. 11.7 percentage points advance to the right, from 17.9 to 29.6. – The local issues and local candidates will play a more important role for the voters the closer we get to election day, says electoral researcher Jonas Stein, who seems to speak from Skien gives an exciting picture. The poll was conducted by Norstat for news in April this year. WHO WILL GOVERN THE CITY?: The Labor Party has had the mayor in Skien since 2003. The first city poll from Skien gives Høgre a strong tailwind locally. Photo: Nils Fridtjof Skumsvoll / news City poll for Skien, April 2023Party Support Change29.6%HøyreH+11,723.7%ArbeiderpartietAP−8,211.2%FremskrittspartietFRP+1,47.0%Socialist Liberal PartySV+1,26.7%Green PartyMDG+1 ,35.7%RødtR+1.04.8%Kristelig FolkepartiKRF−0.83.8%SenterpartietSP−6.52.1%Industrial and Business PartyINP+2.11.8%Norwegian DemocratsDEM+1.81.4%VenstreV −0.70.7%PensionistpartietPP+0.71.5%OtherOther−9.0601 interviews conducted in the period 11.4.23–17.4.23. Margins of error from 0.8–5.1 pp. Source: Norstat Experienced as motivating – Steikje! These are clear numbers. Høgre’s mayoral candidate in Skien, Marius Roheim Aarvold, is delighted with the figures news can present. – If this is the election result, we are talking about one of the best elections for Skien Høgre ever. There is a certain margin of error, but it gives us even more motivation to ensure that this is the result on 11 September as well, he says. Marius Roheim Aarvold (H) has good reason to smile, but has no plans to sit back. Photo: Lars Tore Endresen / news – A clear signal The Labor Party’s mayoral candidate, Odin Adelsten Aunan Bohmann, is naturally more measured. His party has held the post of mayor in Skien since 2003, so these are numbers that sting. – This is a clear signal to the Labor Party that we must do better. There is frustration and impatience among our voters. We absolutely have to show ourselves worthy of the trust, he says. He still believes that the battle has not been decided in Skien. The incumbent position still has a majority. – I do not experience any public demand for more right-wing politics and privatization of welfare services in Commune-Norway. What I experience are impatient and frustrated voters looking for a clearer Labor Party. Odin Adelsten Aunan Bohmann (Ap) believes that his party has a lot to gain from an even clearer policy in the run-up to the election. Photo: Lars Tore Endresen / news Aarvold will not sit back, even if the talk goes in his favour. – In no way whatsoever. It only gives more motivation to keep going. It shows that a clear and distinct majority of the population wants a new policy. We take that very seriously, and will make sure that everyone who wants a new policy in Skien gets it. On the streets in the center of the city, there are divided opinions about what we can expect in the election. Germaine Nwenese is a little uncertain. – I don’t quite know. I’m actually fine the way I am, but I probably need to get into it more. Bente Rambø thinks a lot of strange things have been done in Skien over the years. – Now it has to stop. I want a big change. Photo: Lars Tore Endresen / news Mattis Andersen is quite simply tired of everything. – I think everything is just somewhat certain. It is difficult to vote on the whole. It’s difficult to trust anything. Arve Schelver thinks it should continue more or less as before. – The big lines should continue as they are, but of course you can adjust a little along the way, perhaps? – A picture we can expect Jonas Stein, whale researcher at the University of Tromsø, thinks the speech tells a little about what we have in store. – This tells me that Skien is following many of the national trends with the Labor Party and the Center Party being weakened, while Høgre is being strengthened. The Center Party goes back from 10.3 per cent to 3.8 in the relevant municipality. – That is probably a picture we can expect in many municipalities in the run-up to the election, believes Stein. Photo: André Bendixen / news He thinks Skien is interesting in terms of support. – That illustrates the challenging role the Labor Party has. They make a very bad measurement here. At the same time, there is a poll that might have given the Labor Party the post of mayor in Skien. They could have formed a majority with the rest of the party on the left and the center in the municipality. He feels that the figure matches what we see nationally. – What is interesting is that the Labor Party may have some uncertain voters who can be mobilized against the election, says Stein. Today, almost 80 percent of Norwegian mayors are from either the Labor Party or the Center Party. The whale researcher is excited about how many they will keep. – I am excited to see how the negative trend will play out when it comes to mayors.
