Annoyed news commentators – TV viewers cheated for Tandrevold victory – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– Dear producer, now you have to wake up here! A committed Torgeir Bjørn shouted from the commentator’s place when Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold delivered a super race. A super race the TV viewers almost didn’t get to see. – It was a bit disappointing, because I have seen a lot of bad series of mine that have been broadcast on TV. It was a bit of a shame that they didn’t get a good one, says Tandrevold to news. – It is absolutely a crisis. They can’t help but film someone leading with half a minute to shoot. That’s where they have to sharpen up. says teammate Juni Arnekleiv. – It’s absolutely incredible Because neither Tandrevold, nor any of the other Norwegian biathletes, were in the picture throughout the entire race. When Tandrevold shot for victory in the second and final shooting, news’s ​​commentators Jann Post and Torgeir Bjørn, as well as biathlon expert Ola Lunde, were both irritated and disappointed by the production of the race broadcast by news. The German channel ZDF was behind the production, and focused primarily on the German biathletes. news has tried to get in touch with ZDF, so far without success. This was the exchange between news’s ​​three commentators during the second shooting: Ola Lunde: – Now the producer has to wake up here. Jann Post: – Now we have to see, you have to tell, Ola. Ola Lunde: – Dental violence lying down. Jann Post: – Shooting for victory, Tandrevold. Ola Lunde: – In the middle, edge shot left and yes! Jann Post: – Full house at Tandrevold. Who will go for victory here. Torgeir Bjørn: – It’s unbelievable that we don’t get it from the producer in the picture. For Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold is perhaps on the way to a winning run in Ruhpolding. This was what you saw on TV: While this is the super series you never got to see: – It is absolutely incredible that the producer is unable to include that series, says Ola Lunde. – It’s just to say congratulations on the day, Torgeir Bjørn followed up. The news experts are not the only ones who reacted. Also former TV 2 profiler and current Nettavisen writer, Ernst A. Lersveen, was annoyed by the TV images. – The blind German who controls the levers in the TV bus is only able to show images of Voigt with start number 1 (of course German), while Tandrevold with start number 4 who is standing next to Voigt on the stand is passed by in silence. There must be limits to German chauvinism, he writes on X, and labels it as “bånn i botta”. It is not the first time there has been trouble with the TV images in Ruhpolding. Last year, the power went out in the entire stadium, which caused the images on TV 2’s broadcast to simply disappear. Dreaded What wasn’t good in the bucket was the victory for Tandrevold. She won by 18 seconds to Sweden’s Mona Brorsson, and thus has a very good starting point before the start of Sunday’s hunt. – It was very nice to see all the flashes falling. It was hard to walk and I am completely dizzy. I opened way too hard and regretted it a bit, but happy to get all the flashes down. I’m excited and just have to wait. It is good for the podium and a good starting point at the start of the hunt, says Tandrevold to news. But it was a nervous Tandrevold who had to get up to the start. She told news that she was nervous on her own behalf – and said that she has been nervous all week. – There is something about Ruhpolding. I feel you have to do a perfect race to assert yourself. Then maybe I’m sometimes more afraid of failing than getting it done. I really had to remind myself even before the start today to have fun, she says, and continues: – The last thing I said to our physiotherapist Ragnar at the start was that I must remember to have fun. It’s fun here. What more could you really want? There are thousands of people who stand and cheer us on, and who travel here to watch us. And then you dread so much. Juni Arnekleiv, who was the second best Norwegian, 54 seconds behind Tandrevold, was impressed by Tandrevold’s race when she reached the finish line. – No, damn it, I saw it when I reached the finish line. My God, she has walked like lightning and shot like a star. Damn it. It’s so cool that Ingrid makes it happen. It’s a win for the whole team, she says.
