Annika Momrak and Martha Leivestad reveal details about their friendship – news Culture and entertainment

Since then they have been inseparable. On Saturday, they will compete against Harald Rønneberg and Thomas Numme in the new program “The World’s Best Friends”. But how far would they have gone for friendship? We had a chat with them. What is the best thing they want to bring out with each other? Martha: The best thing about Annika is that she is fantastic fun to talk to. She always has an opinion and knows an incredible amount of fun. Not least, he is FUN! Annika: Martha is a firework of a person. She is the kind of person who comes in and takes over the whole room in a way that only a few people can. She is confident in herself and takes her place. She is honest in a refreshing way, because she says exactly what she thinks. I think so much that I can’t say anything. What is the most annoying thing about each other? Martha: That she’s grumpy. But so am I. So you probably get irritated about things with others that you are actually yourself. Annika: That she talks loudly when we’re on the bus. I get shy very quickly. I love that she dares to be “a lot” when we are out among people. But I can’t stand it myself, says Annika and chuckles. Annika Momrak becomes happy and engaged when she thinks of her friend Martha Leivestad. Photo: Ulrik Kramer / news Is there anything they think is strange about each other? Martha: A lot! Annika has interests that I really try to avoid hearing about. Dinosaurs and ancient Egypt for example. So I question it, but never directly to him. Haha. Annika: It’s that Martha is queer. Her body is actually physically queer. We found that one arm is longer than the other. The queerness starts at her shoulders, so her body is simply shaky, explains Annika. What’s the craziest thing they’ve done for each other? Martha: Oh, a lot! We made YouTube videos together for two years. But I think being locked in a room together for 24 hours was very crazy and something I want to do again! Watching that video is very “comfortable” for me. As an audition for 4ETG, Martha Leivestad had to manage without a mobile phone for 24 hours. Annika: We’ve done everything from being out together with the Telemark battalion on rehearsals where we played special soldiers and drove a tank to making the official music video for Vidar Villa. In the latter, Martha had a lot of responsibility, there was a lot of stress and she finally got pissed off. It was hard on the friendship, but we got through it too, and I feel we came out of it stronger as friends. What’s the craziest thing they’ve done? Martha: Not sure. Annika: It was when I was completely new to news, and Martha wanted to make a video where she would become emo. I agreed to become emo, and had my lip and nose pierced. I was still so young that I hadn’t learned to say no. Is it something they have a bad conscience about? Martha: I have a bad conscience because I got her to get a lip and nose piercing in one of her first 4ETG videos. It was mean. Fortunately, she had it in her nose for quite some time! So it was a bit worth it! Annika: I could have said that I have a bad conscience that we don’t meet more often. At the same time, when we first meet, it’s absolutely lovely. What do they do when they hang out? Annika: Talk. We talk extremely much. About far and near things. About feelings. And gossip. Martha: We used to have many “meetings” at work where it was actually just us who had to talk about something we felt or had seen. We also both love cake and buns! So we ate it a lot! Who is the best friend? Martha: This may be cheating, but I don’t think either of us is better than the other. And that’s why it’s a nice friendship. No one who feels they have to perform more than they already do. Having friends you compete with is hard. I really appreciated that Annika lets me be me, and I let her be her. Annika: We are both equally good. Annika Momrak on the roof terrace of news. Photo: Ulrik Kramer / news What kind of friend are you? Martha: I am a friend you can trust. Who always has your back and who you can talk to for a long time. Annika: I am very happy to talk, and very happy to talk about feelings, and not least to analyze things. I’m also the type of friend who – once you’re inside – you’re there forever. What wouldn’t they have done for each other? Martha: I would have done anything <3 Just not a tarantula. Annika: I hadn't had a piercing in my pee. But most everything else. Or if it was the case that the condition for seeing Martha again was to get a piercing in the pee, then I would probably have done it. The world's best friends premieres on news 1 on Saturday at 19.50
