Annette Rian Skjølberg suffered two broken legs at Rush Trampolinepark in Trondheim – news Trøndelag

The visit to Rush Trampolinepark in Trondheim ended abruptly for social media profile Annette Rian Skjølberg. – I couldn’t think. The pain was absolutely unbearable. On Wednesday, she visited the trampoline park to ask if they would enter into a partnership with her. She used the opportunity to, among other things, test out their “performance” trampoline – and then it went wrong. Skjølberg has shared the session with her over 250,000 followers on Instagram, and you can hear clear “cracks” at the end of the video: Two fractures and a gap Skjølberg says that she has been doing trampoline training practically all her life, so taking a somersault and doing different tricks, is nothing new to her. She believes that this trampoline was far too hard. – Because the trampoline is so hard and tight, I get much more bounce than I’m used to. Then I landed a little too far forward on my toes, and my ankles snapped completely together, says Skjølberg. – But I was quite shocked that I could injure myself like that, because I didn’t think I had done a trick that was so special. The influencer is well used to tricks on the trampoline – here from a time when things didn’t go so wrong. Photo: Privat According to Skjølberg, it took some time before the employees at the trampoline park realized the seriousness of the situation – despite the fact that she was lying screaming. – It was very painful. I could only shout “help, help, call for help”. The staff first came with ice and bandages for the ankles and said that this happens here all the time, and that it was probably going to be fine – that she had probably just sprained her ankle, she says. Eventually, however, contact was made with the emergency room and a taxi was requested to take her there. At the emergency room, Skjølberg had an X-ray taken which revealed two fractures in one ankle, and a rupture in the other. Referred to the wheelchair Skjølberg is critical of the fact that an ambulance was not called immediately. – I experienced that the trampoline park was unable to organize the collection of me, and I thought that was very bad. Now Skjølberg has to undergo surgery next week, a plaster cast for eight weeks and a period in a wheelchair. – I have never been in a wheelchair, never broken any bones, so it will be tough. She believes the trampoline park should take action, increase security and ensure that the net on one trampoline is not so hard. – This should not happen! Annette Rian Skjølberg says she must wear a cast for at least eight weeks. Photo: Private No deviation found Operative manager at Rush Trampolinepark Trondheim, Christine Grieg-Lie, says that safety is their first priority. – Guests are informed about our safety rules via self-declaration and video, and we carry out frequent quality checks of our equipment. However, there is always a risk of accidents or injuries in a trampoline park, points out Grieg-Lie. At the same time, she points out that there are low injury figures in Rush’s parks, and that this is the only breakage injury in Trondheim this year. She explains that the trampoline Skjølberg jumped on is a little different from the others in the park. – It is in a separate fenced area and you get, among other things, a better bounce, which also makes it more demanding to do tricks. We have not found any abnormalities with the trampoline. Grieg-Lie emphasizes that she thinks it is very unfortunate that this incident has happened. – When the incident happened, we were there and followed her up soon after. Emergency services were contacted after a short time. In consultation with the emergency room and the woman who was injured, it was decided that a taxi should be requested. All such incidents will be evaluated afterwards, says Grieg-Lie. – This then applies both to talking to those involved, checking equipment for faults or defects, as well as looking at video surveillance of the incident. Incidents are also discussed with the management of Rush and serious incidents are reported to DSB.
