Anne Mette Sandberg-Enger and others from Valdres have received various hate letters in the post from an unknown person – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

“Damn you’re ugly. You are the most indelicate woman I know.” This is how the handwritten letter the 48-year-old picked up from the letterbox in March this year begins. – I thought it might be a wedding invitation or something else cozy, so I started reading. But then it was just hate, so it lasted, says Anne Mette Sandberg-Enger. Harassing content The letter she received contains sexual harassment and several passages about her alleged appearance. The letter writer concludes by asking her to go in for treatment: “You are costing society dearly, Jaggi. You’d better go to psychiatry again.” – I was scared, irritated, angry and frustrated – all at once. Then I called the police and told them, she says. It was the newspaper Valdres that first mentioned this case. ANONYMOUS SENDER: The letter that Anne Mette Sandberg-Enger received contains gross sexual harassment and several hateful passages. Photo: Privat Investigating several cases Several people in Valdres have received very harassing and hateful letters. The various cases extend over a longer period of time and most of the recipients are women. Last week, news wrote about the gay couple Karoline and Tina Granum who received such a letter in the mail. The letter contained serious harassment of them as gays and of their children. HATE LETTER: The Granum couple from Nord-Aurdal in Valdres have also received a handwritten letter with hateful content. The two have received massive support after they recently came forward with their story. Photo: Private The Granum couple have reported the matter to the police and it is being investigated. The police in Innlandet confirm that they are aware of several similar hateful letters that various people have received. Among other things, a pair of parents with a child who has Down’s syndrome will have received several letters. – We are now at the very beginning of getting an overview of how many letters are involved and whether there is a connection between all these letters that have been sent out, says police attorney Trine Hanssen. The police attorney states that they are now carrying out various investigative steps, but will not elaborate more on how they are working. Hanssen suggests that there may be a geographical connection between the cases. MORE LETTERS: Police prosecutor Trine Hanssen confirms that the police are now investigating several letters that have been sent to various people. (Archive photo) Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news – It may seem that there is a connection between these letters that they have a connection to Nord-Aurdal. But it is something we are investigating further and trying to find out, she says. Which part of the Criminal Code is this affected by? – It is something we have to look into a little more closely, whether it could be a hate crime and whether it could be frightening and troublesome behaviour. – It is disgusting In the letter that Anne Mette Sandberg-Enger received, it appears that the sender knows a lot about her life and the challenges she has had. She is originally from Nord-Aurdal in Valdres, but now lives in Gjøvik. – The letter was stamped and addressed to the postal address at which I live now, so it’s disgusting. The letter writer knows that I have struggled mentally and things like that. There must be someone who knows me. And that is what makes it so frightening, she says. She reported the matter to the police already in March this year. Sandberg-Enger says that the whole letter affair has affected her greatly and led to her life becoming more limited. – I have started to dread going to the postbox. I would rather not walk alone in Valdres anymore. Because I have a theory that that person lives in Valdres, she says. – Pity the person Sandberg-Enger has contact with several of the others who have received hate mail. The content of the letters has a number of common features. She believes that the letter writer’s wording shows that it is probably the same person who is behind it. – The only consolation is that there are more of us who are together about it, and that we will put an end to this. But I find it disgusting to think about. Especially where there are children in the picture. I think it’s so ugly that I almost start laughing, she says. – Pity the person: – In a way, it’s a pity for the person behind this, because they clearly don’t feel good about themselves, says Anne Mette Sandberg-Enger. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news She hopes and believes that the police will find the letter writer: – In a way, it’s a pity for the person who is behind this, because they clearly don’t feel good about themselves. But at the same time, I think it’s damn ugly. It is not just the recipient of the letter that is affected. It affects so many more people, she says.
