Angry moose scare students in Bamble – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– You cycle so that you taste blood in your mouth and keep passing out, says Ola Kimerud Bergsvand (12). Lately, the journey to school has been a little too scary for Ola and her brother Halvor (10). The anger of the moose has meant that the brothers have constantly set new records for how fast they can cycle. Now that will be over, at least for the next two weeks. MANY MOOSE: Up to five moose are said to have frightened children in the area, says Trond Haugen in the county council. Photo: Jon Einar Bergsland The Wildlife Board cannot help The Wildlife Board has gone out to see if they should do something, but have found that they cannot do much. It is not just one, but several moose. Moose are basically not dangerous. But if you get too close, it can cause damage, says manager of Viltnemda in Bamble Torstein Dahl. His best advice in the face of an aggressive moose is to climb something, or hide. – Very scary With a moose less than five meters away, Halvor has found his own tactic. – I just keep quiet and cycle, call my mum, he says. Mum Camilla has received many phone calls, and feels the same helplessness every time. – It has been very scary. You feel helpless when you are so far away. We have tried to guide them as best we can, and get them to turn around, in order to solve it. I’ve never heard of anything like it Now the family hopefully won’t have to make use of these tips. Because the school and the school bus in the area change the route, so that the boys are picked up right outside the house. Up to five moose have behaved threateningly towards children in the area, says Trond Haugen in the county council. They have been contacted by several families with frightened children. NEVER HEARD OF ANYTHING SIMILAR: The situation with the moose in Bamble is quite unique, believes Trond Haugen in Vestfold and Telemark county council. Photo: Stian Wåsjø Simonsen / news – There are moose all over Norway, but I have never come across that it has affected our bus transport. It’s the first time I’ve come across it, says Haugen. The families are satisfied with the solution to the problem so far. But the father of the brothers Ola and Halvor, Kjetil, is excited about what will happen when the period is over. – It is difficult to say, because the children have been frightened. It is dark in the morning, and you never know if it will come or not, so it is frightening. If you want to learn more about the moose, you can see more in the documentary below. The king of the forest also has his troubles. It is, for example, a scratch on the smooth ice. And small insects can, in the worst case, break it. But the moose is a utility animal in the Nordics and it is still exciting for people to meet the large animals.
