Andreas (15) with a special gift for the queen who visited Sømna – news Nordland

King Harald and Queen Sonja disembarked in Sømna on Wednesday as part of their tour in the south of Nordland. – This must be the three longest minutes. Two minutes left now. That’s what royal family enthusiast Andreas Tanberg says as he looks down at his wristwatch. It is just before the royal couple goes ashore in Viksjøen marina. Andreas holds a bouquet of flowers in his left hand. Queen Sonja will get it. The 15-year-old is dressed in a navy blue suit and has decorated himself with special collectibles for the occasion. – I am nervous and have butterflies in my stomach. The whole package. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this day. King Harald and Queen Sonja go ashore in Viksjøen small boat harbor in Sømna municipality on Wednesday. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB With such an enthusiastic royal expert in her own municipality, Sømna chose two 15-year-olds as “flower children”. Andreas Tanberg had applied to meet the royal couple, when they were going on their county tour in Nordland. This May 17 bow is from the 100-year celebration of Norway in 2005. This bow was given to Andreas as a Christmas present by his grandmother. Photo: Lars-Bjørn Martinsen / news Not only was he chosen to welcome the royal couple on the quay. He received a royal envelope in the post with an invitation to come on board the royal ship. Tanberg has long had a fascination for the Norwegian royal family. At home, he has a whole room full of pictures and souvenirs of the royal family. – I have dreamed about this for a long time. Then the moment is there. He gives the flower bouquet to Queen Sonja. Here Hedda Sirevaag and Andreas Tanberg meet the royal couple. Mayor of Sømna municipality, Hans Gunnar Holand is also present during the flower presentation. Photo: Monica White Martinsen – It was fantastic. It was an honor to meet the King and Queen in person. I have given them flowers and taken them by the hand. Once at home, Tanberg takes news to his own royal living room, which is crammed full of books, photos and objects with royal history. And the crowning glory is an original booklet from the coronation of King Haakon and Queen Maud in 1906. Andreas Tanberg proudly displays an original booklet from the coronation of King Haakon and Queen Maud in 1906. Photo: Lars-Bjørn Martinsen / news Hanging on the wall there is also a collection of plates, including the wedding plate for Queen Sonja and King Harald from 1968. A special gift for Queen Finstasen is still on, because the day is not quite over yet. Andreas Tanberg is also invited to the royal ship. And then he will bring a special gift to the queen: namely water from Olavskilden. Sankt Olav’s spring is located in Sømna. It is said that the water from the spring should have a healing effect. – Queen Sonja mentioned in her speech that when she was here 23 years ago, there was no water in Olavskilden. Here Andreas greets the royal couple inside KongeskipetLars Bjørn Martinsen / news The royal couple has always had a plan to visit all of the country’s 356 municipalities. See the overview of which municipalities King Harald has visited after this year’s county tour in Nordland. The map is based on the Royal Household’s unofficial list of municipalities that King Harald and/or Queen Sonja have visited officially, or visited in a defense context, from 1958 until today. These are the municipalities that state that These municipalities have not been visited by the royal couple after the county tour in Nordland: In Agder: In Rogaland: In Vestfold and Telemark: In Viken: In Vestland: Etne Osterøy Samnanger Vaksdal Askvoll In Trøndelag: In Troms: In Nordland:
