Anders Skaarseth broke his leg in a rollover in March – now he’s back on the bike – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Anders Skaarseth still can’t walk. His leg was crushed when he overturned and hit a curb at high speed during a race in Belgium in March. But now he is back on the bike and sees life in a brighter light again. – Yes, I actually do. I’m out cycling again, so. It is good to wear a helmet and at least one pair of cycling shoes, if not two. Because he wears running shoes on his injured foot so that he avoids impact and can easily lift his foot off the pedal when it hurts. SHOES: Anders Skaarset now trains with cycling shoes and trainers. Photo: Frode Meskau Broken leg The overturn in the one-day race E3 Classic in Belgium was dramatic. Skaarseth was sitting on the edge of the main field when he suddenly slipped. The Lillehammer cyclist fell off his bike and went straight into a curb with his knee first at high speed. He was sent to hospital after the accident. – It wasn’t very fun. I didn’t have time to think much before it happened. Suddenly you are lying there. VELT: Here Anders Skaarseth gets his leg crushed. It was tough to be told that the leg was broken and that he had to have an operation. But he says that training has gone well, and that he has had good support from the team and people around him. – I took my first trip outside last week. And then there have been a couple of trips. So it will be just a matter of trying slowly but surely, says Anders. From the Viking ship in Hamar, he sets off across Stangebrua. It feels good to be up to speed again. DELICIOUS: Lillehammer cyclist Anders Skaarseth thinks it’s nice to feel the wind on his face again. Photo: Frode Meskau – It’s delicious. It’s liberating. Summer is coming and the leg is on the mend, so I’m looking forward to it. Must watch the Tour de France on TV Now the plans for the summer have changed. He had intended to spend the summer holidays in France. Because when the team he rides for, Uno-X, is invited to the Tour de France as the first Norwegian team, then everyone thought Anders was self-made. – That was the plan, if everything went as it should, I would hopefully have been there. The Lillehammer cyclist is described as one of the team’s best classic riders and was considered an important piece for the team this spring. Now he has to stay at home and watch the Tour de France on TV instead. The new plan is to do it again next year. TOUR OF NORWAY: Anders Skaarseth on the 6th stage of the Tour of Norway last year. Photo: Carina Johansen / NTB – Just as good, or better. Until then, he must train carefully. The leg has not fully healed yet. Then he hopes to be ready for competition again in the autumn. – The way it is now, it doesn’t really feel that bad. I hope maybe during the autumn, yes when it starts to approach August/September, maybe. – Better than feared Danish coach Casper von Folsach hopes Skaarseth will return to the same level as he was before the accident. GREAT FAITH: Coach for the Uno-X team Casper von Folsach has followed Skaarseth for a year and a half. He believes the accident has gone better than feared. Photo: Uno-X Pro Cycling Team – He was at an incredibly high level, and I have great faith that he will be able to do it again. There is nothing to say about will and morals, and he follows all plans to come back as strong as possible. Casper von Folsach says Skaarseth was a safe bet, and is working with doctors and physiotherapists to get him back there. So far, the training should go beyond all expectations. – He was quickly back on the seat, and now he is already cycling outdoors. Cycling is a gentle sport, so it looks good, says von Folsach Skaarseth himself says the accident has given him some new perspectives. – So it’s not really just negative. Of course, I would have liked to be the injury besides. But once I’m here, I just have to try to make the best of it to come back as good, or better, than I was, says Skaarseth.
