Anchor found at broken gas pipeline – suspicion of Chinese ship – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

It was on Tuesday morning that the six-tonne anchor was raised from the sea out in the Gulf of Finland. Finnish police and the Finnish border guard told this at a joint press conference in Helsinki on Tuesday evening. MISSING AN ARM. One part of the anchor is torn off. Photo: Rajavartio/The Finnish border guard According to them, one part of the anchor had fallen off, which was also evident in pictures shown from the operation. The Finnish authorities are now focusing their attention on the Chinese-registered cargo ship Newnew Polar Bear, which was in the area when the leak on the gas pipeline was discovered. The ship is owned by a shipping company registered in Hong Kong. The leak was discovered on 8 October At the press conference it was also revealed that the Finnish authorities believe that photos taken later of Newnew Polar Bear show that one of the anchors it is normally equipped with is missing. NEW NEW POLAR BEAR. The Finnish border guard published this image of the ship they believe destroyed the gas pipeline. Photo: Heikki Saukamaa/Lehtikuva The Balticconnector gas pipeline connects the Finnish gas network with the gas network in the Baltic countries. It was opened in 2019. It caused a lot of attention when a leak was discovered on the line on the night between 7 and 8 October. The Balticconnector gas pipeline crosses over the four Nord Stream gas pipelines, which were blown up further south in the Baltic Sea in September 2022. Who was behind the explosion is not known. One of the theories is that the Ukrainian group was behind the explosion, to prevent Russia from receiving income from gas exports to wage the war against Ukraine. Anchor dragged along the bottom for several kilometers Now, according to the Finnish police, there are many indications that it is precisely the anchor from the Chinese ship that is the cause of the damage to the gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia. At the press conference on Tuesday evening, pictures were also shown which should show that the anchor was dragged along the bottom for a long stretch of several kilometers before it finally hit the gas pipeline. TRACKS ON THE BOTTOM. The Finnish border guard has taken photos showing that the anchor was dragged many kilometers along the bottom of the Gulf of Finland. Photo: Reuters The head of the Finnish Kripos Robin Lardot says it is too early to say whether the anchor on the Chinese ship was lowered on purpose to destroy the cable. The Chinese ship later continued to Russia and St. Petersburg. The ship had sailed via the Northeast Passage and down the Norwegian coast before entering the Baltic Sea on its way to St. Petersburg. According to Helsingin Sanomat, the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now in contact with the Chinese authorities about what has happened.
