Amundsen resigns as chairman of the justice committee – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Amundsen met with news on Sunday afternoon and made it clear that he is finished as head of the justice committee. – I have not done anything illegal, but I see and fully understand that these statements on Facebook have been a great burden for the party. I take that seriously. – That is why I am going to resign as head of the Storting’s justice committee, says Amundsen to news. It was on Thursday evening, and the night of Friday, that the leader of the justice committee at the Storting, and parliamentary representative for the Frp, Per-Willy Amundsen, is said to have written several controversial messages on his Facebook page. On Friday morning it emerged that the Frp’s parliamentary representative from Troms had posted strong statements about Islamists, Muslims and “Arabs”. On Friday afternoon, Dagbladet could reveal that the use of language on Facebook had escalated overnight, when a rallying cry against Women’s Day took hold: “We all pay the price.” Boys fail across the board. Schools and kindergartens are affected by radical and incomprehensible gender theory. Created by radical women who don’t know the ups and downs of a penis.” Resigns in consultation with the party leadership During the weekend, it became clear that the party leadership in the Progress Party distanced itself from the posts on social media. Party leader Sylvi Listhaug made it clear at the party’s national board meeting in Gardermoen that an internal case would be opened in the party against Amundsen. – Has Sylvi Listhaug asked you to resign? I have arrived at what I have arrived at in consultation with the party leadership, replies Per-Willy Amundsen to news. To news, party leader Sylvi Listhaug says that it was right for Amundsen to resign. – Unfortunately, it was absolutely necessary, says Listhaug to news on Sunday afternoon. She emphasizes that the actions of Amundsen and the posts on social media created many reactions within the party. – I am therefore happy that he chose to do so. What has happened is so serious and it caused so much disappointment in the Progressive Party that there was no way around it, says Listhaug. – Was it after pressure from you that he resigned? – In our party there have been strong reactions to this case. That’s the background to why … yes, it was the right thing to do. I’m glad he chose to do it. – But it took time before he resigned, did he have to be persuaded? – Per-Willy was clear from the start that he was to be out of the question. We have said all along that we are not responsible for this and that we apologize for it, but I am very happy that he is taking responsibility and resigning. Because there have been strong reactions in the party and he is doing it out of consideration for his party colleagues, Listhaug replies. Left the interview When news met Amundsen, he mentioned that in recent years many other politicians had been involved in other scandals – including scandals that involved breaking the law. He himself says that he has made mistakes, but has not broken any law. – I have written things on Facebook in a drunken state. I have used language that parliamentarians should refrain from. It is language that does not reflect me as a person either. – Why are you resigning? – I have just explained that. I have said what I want to say in this matter and ask that it be respected. This case has been a big burden for my family – Do you want to apologize for what you have done, news’s ​​reporter also asked. Amundsen then left the interview.
