American women are advised to buy menstrual products in cash after the abolition of Roe v Wade – news Trøndelag

Following the Supreme Court of the United States, Roe vs. Wade, a ruling that guarantees Americans access to abortion in all states, has boiled down to social media. To the sound of the song Paris by The Chainsmokers, people post videos on TikTok where they offer others to visit safe states and safe countries. Visit a farm on the Canadian border with Michigan. Learn to knit in California. Camping in Colorado. It’s the code word for abortion. The repeal of the ruling means that the states now have to decide whether it should be legal or illegal to have an abortion. Several Americans now fear that they may be unjustifiably suspected of having had an abortion – and that tampon purchases, Google searches and text messages may incriminate them. The mens app can become evidence Several states have already banned abortion. At least 26 states have announced that they will tighten access to self-determined abortion. In many states there will be a total ban. This means that even rape or incest will not be reason enough to be granted an abortion. Other states allow abortion if it is necessary to save the pregnant woman’s life, or where the pregnant woman has reported a case of rape or incest. This is the abortion dispute in the USA * The USA has no formalized, national abortion law similar to the one we have in Norway. Instead, it is a Supreme Court decision from 1973 that secures women’s right to abortion. The ruling is referred to as «Roe vs. Wade ». * A later ruling stated that American women have the right to have an abortion until the fetus is viable. In the United States, this limit is set at the 23rd or 24th week of pregnancy. In Norway, abortion is only accepted exceptionally after week 22, and Norwegian women who want to have an abortion after week 12 must send an application to an abortion board. * The abortion issue is very hot in the United States. Opposition to abortion is particularly strong in conservative states in the south and in the Midwest. In more liberal areas on the east and west coasts, people are more in favor of women’s right to abortion. * Over time, the issue of abortion has become increasingly polarized, as have many other political issues in the United States. * Opinion polls have over time shown that a majority of the American population wants to preserve «Roe vs. Wade ». * Former President Donald Trump has appointed three Supreme Court justices, all of whom are considered politically conservative. This gave the US Supreme Court a conservative majority. * The court is currently reviewing an abortion law passed in Mississippi. It bans most abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy. A ruling is expected this summer. * A draft ruling in the Mississippi case was leaked to the news site Politico and published on May 2. The draft indicates that the Supreme Court will accept the law in Mississippi and in practice repeal the federal right to abortion that was secured with the ruling “Roe vs. Wade ». (Sources: AFP, TT, Washington Post, Guttmacher, NTB) In states where abortion is illegal, all pregnancies that ended prematurely can now potentially be investigated as a criminal act. It writes writer Jia Tolentino in a commentary on the New York Times. If the prosecution believes that you have had an abortion on purpose, they can collect information to investigate the potential offense. This means that data such as search history, location, purchase history, benefit programs from stores and information from health applications can be collected and entered as evidence. At TikTok, there are many who give advice on how women should protect themselves: If you use applications to track your menstruation, it is recommended that you delete all data and your user account in the app. Benefit programs and customer clubs can register your purchases. People are therefore advised not to register their purchases when shopping for menstrual products or pregnancy tests. You should pay for these products with cash. Buy menstrual products at irregular intervals, and in different quantities – even when you do not need them Ask a male acquaintance to buy menstrual products for you Use secure browsers and encrypt your web with VPN if you need to find out how to have an abortion, or order emergency contraception or abortion pills. Collects information about users Henrik Lied is a technology consultant at NRKBeta. He says that the decision of the Supreme Court allows the prosecution to investigate any abortion as a crime. Then they can seize cell phones, computers and digital accounts to look for information. – Many apps collect a lot of information about us, including your position in very precise detail. In this way, data from apps can, for example, reveal whether a woman has visited an abortion clinic, he explains. Henrik Lied is a technology consultant at NRKBeta. He says that it is relatively common to use, for example, location data in lawsuits in the United States. Photo: news Several apps also collect far more information than they actually need. The purpose of this is to offer advertisers and computer exchanges a complete package of information, which makes it easy to create pointed ads. – But we also know that this data is used by other actors, for completely different purposes, says Lied. Earlier this year, Vice Motherboard was able to reveal that a company specializing in location data sold information about who had visited various American abortion clinics. The data showed where the people were before they went to the clinic, how long they were at the clinic, and where they went afterwards. Vice Motherboard could buy this data for 160 US dollars. This corresponds to approximately 1600 Norwegian kroner. – This information was easily accessible via commercial computer exchanges, Lied explains. BIG DEMAND: Many want to obtain emergency contraception as Plan B after the Supreme Court’s decision. Several hospitals have now stopped distributing the attack pill. Photo: JUSTIN SULLIVAN / AFP Often used in court The reason why companies sell data is simply that it is a profitable business model. A company can offer an app for free to you as a user, provided that you accept that it collects data about you. In the United States, it is relatively common to use such data as evidence in criminal proceedings. For example, there are several cases where the authorities have purchased location data to identify illegal immigrants crossing the border from Mexico. Position data from Google is also often used as evidence in criminal cases. – The USA has far worse privacy legislation than we are used to here in Norway, so such data can easily be obtained from the commercial data exchanges, says Lied. He refers to a case from 2012, where the purchase history of an American teenager could reveal that she was pregnant. – It is likely that the US authorities will have the same access in abortion cases. Offering women to come to Norway For influencers Martine Halvorsen, it was precisely videos on social media that made her feel she had to do something. Since the Supreme Court’s decision, she has seen a dozen videos of desperate women on social media. – The drop was when I saw a video of a 16-year-old girl who told that she was abused and that she had become pregnant. She sat hysterically and cried in the car outside a petrol station and would rather die than live, Halvorsen says. – It can not be like that. That’s not how it should be. And if I can help, I will. WANTED TO DO SOMETHING: Influencer Martine Halvorsen felt like doing something after watching many videos of desperate women. Photo: Kaja Andreassen She therefore posted a video on TikTok where she offers people who need an abortion to come to Norway. VISIT: Martine Halvorsen posted this video on TikTok Since then, there has been a flurry of feedback. – I have received messages from women from several places in the world who say thank you, angry messages from someone who thinks that abortion is the worst in the world and cheers from others who stand behind every woman out there who needs it now. And later. Until this law is changed again. – Shocking and sad So far she has not received any requests. But the offer is for everyone, no matter where they come from. – This is shocking and sad, for every girl and woman who is now being denied an abortion, for history and for equality. I’m afraid this will not lead to fewer abortions, but to more dangerous abortions. In the worst case with cruel consequences, says Halvorsen. She points out that many Americans have used the argument “my body, my choice” when it comes to vaccines. – It is frightening that it obviously does not apply to the female body. In some places in the United States, a rape now carries five years in prison, and an abortion 15 years in prison. What signals is this actually sending ?, she asks rhetorically. Fear of more austerity At present, a pregnant person who has an abortion will not be punished. On the other hand, those who help the person to have an abortion can be prosecuted. However, many fear that these laws will also be tightened, and that pregnant women can thus be charged with murder. So far, there are no laws prohibiting anyone from traveling to another state to have an abortion. Several conservative politicians want to do something about it. Jennifer Lincoln is an American gynecologist with over 2.8 million followers on TikTok. She is behind the website Three For Freedom, a resource portal for contraception, emergency contraception and abortion. She is one of many who are now expecting further tightening of the legislation. – None of us know what happens next, but those of us who follow know that more restrictions are coming: emergency contraception, IUDs, hormonal contraception, laws that dictate what can be done with IVF, and so on, she says in a video on TikTok. – Hormone IUDs are not banned yet. They go after them nose time. They want to say that they cause abortions. They do not. But if you are considering getting one, then now is a good time. news has been in contact with Jennifer Lincoln, who does not have time to be interviewed.
