American submarine visiting Tromsø – news Troms and Finnmark

– We can confirm that an American submarine is visiting Troms, says the Norwegian Armed Forces’ operational headquarters (FOH) to news. They do not want to provide more information about the vessel, which docked at Tønsnes outside Tromsø on Monday. FOH also does not wish to comment on how security is organized at the quayside. According to what news knows, it is an American nuclear-powered attack submarine of the Virginia class. Tønsnes harbor is a municipal quay that is used by the defense during fleet visits. The submarine came sailing in from the north through the Ullsfjorden on Monday morning. The ship was met by tugboats from Tromsø harbor and one of the navy’s Combat Boat 90. The combat boat “KNM Oddane” is manned by a team from the Coast Guard Command from Borkenes outside Harstad. They part of the guard protection for the submarine towards the sea side. The Home Guard provides soldiers from one of HV-16’s task forces. They are responsible for securing the quayside during the visit. April 19 this year was the last time Tromsø was visited by an American submarine. A soldier from HV-16’s task force during a previous submarine visit in 2021. Photo: Rune N. Andreassen Announced call According to Reidar Flasnes, who is a spokesperson at FOH, this is a planned visit. – The port visits from the Americans are known and planned. They will come periodically. We can count on between 5-10 port calls a year, says Flasnes. Flasnes says the presence of NATO vessels in Norwegian waters is important for Norway. – They help to ensure the right to free movement in our sea areas. In addition, this also shows solidarity between Norway and our allies, to the rest of the world, he believes. He emphasizes that the frequent port visits are a sign that allied countries are turning their attention to the northern regions. – They also want to be present to practice with their allies. This is welcome from our side, points out Flasnes.
