– Already stretched us extremely far – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The parties have been locked in and far from a solution since 900 pilots went on strike ten days ago. On Wednesday, the SAS leadership and the unions return to the negotiating table in Stockholm, in an attempt to find a solution. – We are solution-oriented as always, but have already gone extremely far, says leader of the Norwegian SAS pilots’ association, Roger Klokset to news before today’s meeting. The Swedish news agency TT reports that the mediation meeting will start at 10. The strike has led to 1,493 flights to and from Norway being canceled, and 158 of them are today, figures from Avinor’s website show. The pilot strike in SAS has led to many canceled flights at Norwegian airports. Photo: Mathias Moene Rød / news – The solution lies with SAS – I expect the SAS leadership to have a real willingness to negotiate, and a desire to respect collective agreements and the right to enter into the positions of our dismissed members, victory Klokset. When asked if he believes that they will find a solution and that SAS can be up and flying during the week, he answers that it is up to the SAS management. – The solution is there, if they want to end the strike, he says. Roger Klokset, leader of the Norwegian SAS pilots’ association, says it is up to SAS to end the strike. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news Meklarane is motivated The strike was a fact when the parties broke off negotiations on Monday 4 July. As a result, 900 pilots from Norway, Sweden and Denmark went on strike. On Monday, SAS took the initiative for a new meeting. The unions thanked him for that. Attorney General Mats Ruland is in Stockholm, and he hopes the parties are solution-oriented. – The brokers are motivated, and hope the parties are solution-oriented. They are the ones who hold the key to a solution, Ruland told NTB on Tuesday night.
