Almost all universities in China move up – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

At the same time, a full 96 percent of Chinese universities are doing better this year than last year. The rankings from CWUR are based on the quality of the content of the education, the faculty and research, and how many of the students get a job after their studies. They have collected this information from just under 20,000 academic institutions worldwide, and used it to create a full ranking list. Tsinghua University invited to a technology exhibition in September 2021, where some of China’s technical innovations were shown. Photo: Mark Schiefelbein / AP Among the Chinese, Tsinghua University in Beijing is at the top, in 44th place on the list. Tsinghua has been involved in the development of Chinese corona tests and in the microchip race against, among others, the USA. It also boasts about its diversity on its website, where it says that more than 4,000 students from 130 countries studied there in 2019. The fact that the number is not recent probably has something to do with the total shutdown the country has seen as a result of the corona pandemic. It was not until January this year that it became possible again for foreign students to visit the country. Tsinghua University in Beijing has over 4,000 foreign students from 130 countries. Photo: AFP Harvard at the top At the very top of the list of honors lies traditional Harvard. In second place is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and in third place is Stanford University This is the twelfth year that Harvard has been at the top. But as many as 80 percent of American universities are doing worse this year than the year before. Harvard is still at the top of the global university ranking. Photo: MADDIE MEYER / AFP The same applies to 60 percent of British universities, although the universities of Oxford and Cambridge were both in the top 10. Professor Irene Tracey at Oxford University tells the Telegraph newspaper that “significant investment and support that has been put in by countries like China” is probably the reason for this. – We are in a global competition, and unless we meet this challenge, Britain’s position as a science power and export source will be in danger, she adds. Charles, then Prince, in a meeting with students at Oxford University’s Trinity College. Photo: Kirsty Wigglesworth / AP Educational institutions in the USA and Great Britain are currently under great pressure from China. The Chinese authorities have namely via large investments in higher education through the action plan Double First-Class University Plan. This aims to create a group of world-class universities and disciplines, including materials technology, engineering studies and quantum physics, by 2050. Also a relegation for many Norwegian universities. In this year’s ranking, the University of Oslo is down to 83rd place in the table. It is still the best-ranked Norwegian university, well ahead of NTNU (178th) and the University of Bergen (286th). With this, UiO has fallen five places in the table since last year. NTNU has fallen two places, while UiB has the same ranking. Of the 13 Norwegian universities in the CWUR ranking, nine did worse this year than last year. UiO’s place in the university table has fluctuated completely from 111th place in 2014 to 56th place in 2019. Now it is almost exactly in the middle. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB The University of Bergen received the same ranking, while Oslo Met’s sports college and the University of Agder did better than last year. From autumn 2023, international students who are not from EEA countries or Switzerland must pay to study in Norway. Whether this will have an effect on next year’s numbers, only time will tell.
