Alleged Wagner defector Andrej Medvedev is refused asylum in Norway – news Troms and Finnmark

Medvedev crossed the frozen Pasvikelva and entered Norway in January last year. He said he was pursued and shot at while fleeing across the border. He later explained that he had been a soldier for the Wagner Group and witnessed war crimes in Ukraine. But his background does not entitle him to asylum, according to the Norwegian authorities. – He has nevertheless been granted temporary residence in Norway due to the security risk involved in sending him back to Russia. It can be renewed continuously, but does not give the right to a later permanent residence permit or citizenship and has certain other limitations, says Medvedev’s defender, lawyer Brynjulf ​​Risnes, to the newspaper. Medvedev says to news that he is not aware of the decision. – It is not right, so I have no opinion on it. He will not comment further on the matter. Medvedev has been in the police spotlight several times since he came to Norway. In April, he was charged in court after a bar fight and for police violence. He was also accused of carrying an air pistol in a public place, and fully or partially acknowledged most of the charges. In September, he was again arrested in Sør-Varanger when he allegedly tried to cross the border into Russia. Andrej Medvedev had this air pistol with him in the center of Oslo. He explained that it was in self-defense. Photo: The police
