All young people in Nærøysund are offered a summer job – unique collaboration in the municipality is praised by NAV and NHO – news Trøndelag

All over Norway, the business community is almost screaming for more labor. They also do this in Nærøysund, which is the country’s largest farming municipality. In recent years, therefore, companies and the municipality have collaborated to offer all young people summer jobs. If one company does not have a place, they contact others to hear. In this way, the vast majority are guaranteed a summer job. – It is very important for the recruitment to our region. If the young people get a good start in working life, there is a greater chance that they will return when they have completed their education. This is what HR manager Frode Lauritzen at the fish farming company SinkabergHansen says. The business community has asked the young people what it takes for them to work in the Trøndelag municipality when they grow up. And the answer was crystal clear; namely summer jobs. The business community in Nærøysund receives financial support from the municipality to employ as many young people as possible this summer. Photo: Espen Sandmo / news 80 work in the factory This summer, 120 young people are working for SinkabergHansen. 80 of them work in the large salmon slaughterhouse on Marøya outside the town of Rørvik. Here, tons of salmon pass through the factory every single day. – It is fun and interesting to work here. Sometimes it can be a bit monotonous, but we make good money and thrive, says 15-year-old Emil Andreas Andersen. Middle-aged Oline Myhre also has her first summer job inside the salmon factory. – My friends who are older have spoken out for this job. And I think it’s fun to gut fish, even if it’s a little dirty, she laughs. Both young people envisage a professional future at sea. – Then it is a good certificate to have with you, Emil thinks. 15-year-old Oline Myhre enjoys gutting salmon inside the factory on Marøya. Photo: Espen Sandmo / news – Good initiative Several other Norwegian municipalities also offer summer jobs to young people, but few do so in the same way as in Nærøysund. The Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry appreciates the initiative from the companies in the municipality of Trøndelag. – This is a commendable and good initiative. Getting a foothold in working life early is important for the holiday budget. But also when you are looking for a job later in life. In many industries, previous work experience and absence from school are some of the first things an employer looks at. This is what Deputy CEO Anniken Hauglie in NHO told news. She believes this is an example for many others to follow. – The business community around the country needs people, and many want to attract young workers every single summer. For many, this is a long-term investment in future, permanent labor, Hauglie continues. – Takes important steps NAV also believes that the business community in Nærøysund is doing a lot right. – SinkabergHansen and the business community in Nærøysund are taking important steps that can help secure them labor in the years ahead. Already today, many companies are struggling to get the manpower and skills they need. – By taking the young people into summer jobs, they gain knowledge about the opportunities that exist locally, at the same time as they gain important experience. Cross-collaboration is a good measure to show the tension in local working life, and at the same time show that they will focus on them in the future, says director of society Jan Arve Strand in NAV Trøndelag. NHO director Anniken Hauglie believes that the business community in Nærøysund is doing a lot right in relation to recruiting future labor. Photo: Hallvard Norum / news Lack of labor SinkabergHansen sells farmed salmon for around NOK 3 billion this year. The industry is doing well, and the future looks bright. But it is challenging to put in place a stable and secure workforce in the coastal municipality. – The forecasts for the future are quite clear. We need more workers in our entire region. Then we think it is easiest to recruit young people who know us from before, says Frode Lauritzen. Working in the company is popular among young people. This year, there were 200 who applied for summer jobs who did not get a place. HR manager Frode Lauritzen in SinkabergHansen is experiencing great interest from young people who want to work in the company. Photo: Espen Sandmo / news – It hurts to have to say no to 200 young people. But then we get in touch with other companies in the region. In close collaboration with them, I think everyone will finally get an offer, says Lauritzen. And he is pretty sure that the unique cooperation within the business community in the region will pay off. – Yes, of course. We already see it. Many more young people return and want to work in one of the companies after graduating. So we are pretty sure of success, says Frode Lauritzen. Every day, between 12 and 15 lorries run out with farmed salmon from the salmon factory on Marøya in Nærøysund municipality. Photo: Espen Sandmo / news
