Ali Truwit ended up in a fight to the death with the shark – Paralympics Paris 2024

Ali Truwit had just run the marathon in Copenhagen, and two days earlier she had finally graduated from Yale University. To celebrate, she and her friend Sophie go on holiday to the Turks and Caicos Islands. A paradise on earth with chalk-white beaches and crystal-clear water. Now life is perfect, they think. But for Truwit, the holiday turns into a nightmare. “Are you sure there are no sharks here?” asks the friend. Truwit has been to the islands here before, and reassures confidently. “Don’t worry. I’ve never seen a shark here.” Together they jump into the water. MARATHON: Shortly before the shark attack, Ali Truwit completed the Copenhagen Marathon with her mother, Jody. Photo: PRIVATE “I’ve lost a leg” The two snorkel peacefully for half an hour, but suddenly their friend stares a gray shark straight in the eyes. Sophie tries to alert Ali, who in her side vision sees what she thinks is a dolphin. There are more of them here, she knows. But suddenly she is punched powerfully in the stomach. – That day was terrifying. What is other people’s worst nightmare became a reality for me, says Truwit to news. Now the friends are swimming for their lives towards the boat. Ali punches the shark in the back, which turns its attention to Sophie. She is also beaten hard, but manages to kick the life-threatening creature away. Now the shark comes in from the left side towards Ali. Opens the mouth. And bites. DANGEROUS: It was probably a bullhead shark that attacked the friends. Photo: AFP “My foot is in the shark’s mouth”, she manages to think. At first she feels no pain, but turns to see deep red blood pouring out of her left leg. The friends shout at the boat: “Help!” But no one hears them. Now it’s about survival, and for around 70 meters they swim side by side towards the boat. Ali loses a lot of blood and the shark follows as it attacks several times. But it will be with one bite. “I’ve lost a leg,” Ali says to the boat guide when they finally arrive. – It was painful, it was scary. There were a million questions that raced through my head, says Truwit. Truwit has always loved the water, whether in a boat or swimming. Photo: PRIVAT “The shark probably has my foot” The fight to keep life is far from over. The boat rushes to shore where an ambulance is waiting. On the way to the beach, Sophie, who is a medical student, fastens a tourniquet around the bleeding leg. Without that help, she probably wouldn’t be alive today. The family back home in the US is notified, and the parents call around to ensure that their daughter gets the best possible help. They are advised to get her home to Miami, and air transport to a hospital in the American metropolis is ordered. “The shark probably still has my foot,” Ali says suddenly. 45 minutes later someone from the boat company comes back with that foot, with the flipper still on. Bitten off by the shark’s sharp teeth. Ali is sickened by the sight. The local doctor in the Turks and Caicos Islands mentions that it may be possible to sew the foot back on. It is put on ice, and joins the plane home to the USA. Ali dreams of being able to run again. Maybe another marathon? But an infection has spread after the shark bite. Life is still in danger. Now there is suddenly talk of amputating away more, not sewing the old thing back on. OPERATED: Truwit was flown home to the United States, where her parents met her at the hospital. Photo: PRIVATE – Tears, grief and sleepless nights The shark bit off the foot just above the ankle. On the day she turns 23, her leg was amputated just below the knee. – There were many tears, much sadness and sleepless nights. – It was a terrible moment. I had to be very strong to get through it, says Truwit about the time afterwards. Three and a half months later, the former college swimmer was back in the pool. At the start it was traumatic just to be in the water, now she has become safe again. With one less leg, but higher ambitions than ever: Paralympics in Paris. Just over 1.5 years after the dramatic shark attack, Ali Truwit is in place in the French capital. – It’s absolutely crazy to think about. I have to pinch myself in the arm. A year ago, I could never have predicted that this is where I would be standing. There are ups and downs, but this shows that we are all stronger than we think, she says after her Paralympics debut. SWIMMING STARS: Ali Truwit is in the Paralympics, just 15 months after the attack. Photo: AP news meets her in the swimming pool, where an enthusiastic home audience delivers a lurve liven like no other. – This is absolutely incredible. I have never swum in front of a crowd like this before and the energy they give me is absolutely amazing. – How was it going out into the hall? – It is a surreal moment for me. Imagine that a year ago I learned to take my first steps with a prosthesis after a shark attack. Truwit swims the 400 meter freestyle at 09.54 Thursday 5 September. Watch the Paralympics on news. Grandmother in tears after bronze medal 00:49 Gets competitor’s help before the start: – It doesn’t get more beautiful 00:46 Shocked by what the Olympic winner says about the muffin 01:18 Using MacGyver solution: – A lot you can’t get hold of 01:20 Show more Published 04/09/2024, at 22.12
