Alexei Navalny is dead – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

It is the prison authorities in the Yamal-Nenets region, where Navalny has been imprisoned, who announce that he is dead. They say he must have lost consciousness after a walk and died. The Kremlin also confirms the death, but says it has no information on the cause of death. Facts about Aleksej Navalny Russian regime critic and blogger (b. 1976) with millions of followers on Twitter and YouTube. Trained as a lawyer. Married and father of two. In 2007, started an anti-corruption campaign by buying into state-controlled companies in order to be able to ask critical questions at the general meetings. Has organized a number of demonstrations against President Vladimir Putin. Excluded from the liberal party Jabloko in 2008, where he had been active since 2000, for damaging the party with his nationalist tendencies. Leader of the small Partija Progressa – the Progress Party – since its creation in 2013. Received 27 percent of the vote in the mayoral election in Moscow in September 2013. Has been arrested and convicted of embezzlement and money laundering, charges he himself claims were politically motivated. He has also been arrested and convicted for taking part in illegal demonstrations several times. Wanted to stand as a presidential candidate and challenge Putin in the 2018 election, but the candidacy was not approved. On 20 August 2020, he became acutely ill on a passenger plane en route from Siberia to Moscow. Two days later he was evacuated to Berlin after strong Western pressure. Tests have shown that he was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok. On 17 January 2021, Navalny was arrested when he returned to Russia. He was sentenced in February 2021 to serve 2.5 years in a labor camp for breaching the duty to report following a conditional sentence from 2014. The sentence was based on a fraud case that Navalny rejects as forgery. In the spring of 2021, he led a hunger strike lasting over three weeks with demands for better health care. The strike was ended at the request of the doctors and after large demonstrations of support in Russia. On 26 April 2021, a court in Moscow decided that Navalny’s foundation had to stop all activities while they waited for a legal decision on whether the foundation was extremist. On 30 April 2021, the Navalny Foundation appeared on the extremist list of Russia’s financial monitoring service Rosfinmonitoring. In May 2021, Navalny sued the prison where he served his sentence, claiming that he is not allowed to read the books he himself wants to read and that newspapers were censored before he got them. The prison rejected the charges, saying they followed Russian law. (Source: NTB) The news about the death comes in the run-up to the presidential election in Russia on 17 March. Alexei Navalny’s supporters cannot confirm or deny that he is dead. – We have no confirmation of this. Aleksej’s lawyer is on his way to (penal colony) Kharp. As soon as we have information, we will report it, writes Navalny’s spokesperson Kira Jarmysh on X. These should be the last photos of Alexei Navalny, from Thursday. In a video link from the prison, he joked about getting a share of the judge’s high salary. Alexei Navalny’s lawyer will not comment on the alleged death, at the request of the family. – Now we have to figure things out. Aleksej had a lawyer visit on Wednesday, and then everything was fine, says lawyer Leonid Solovyov to the opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta. His team say they do not want any further inquiries from the media at this time and say they need to find out if Navalny is actually dead and what happened. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) uses strong words about the situation. – He was a political prisoner who died in a Russian prison. The Russian authorities bear full responsibility for Navalny’s tragic death, he says. – A foretold murder Senior adviser Aage Borchgrevink in the Helsinki Committee is also clear in his speech about Navalny’s death. – This is the account of a reported murder. Aage Borchgrevink in the Helsinki Committee. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB Borchgrevink believes the death is a picture of how Putin relates to the part of Russia that does not like the wars he is waging, his corruption or repression. He does not want to speculate on what may be the cause of death, but points out that Navalny is said to have been treated very harshly in prison. – This may have been what killed him. This is the risk everyone runs if they take to the streets and demonstrate against Putin. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes Navalny’s death is a sign that Vladimir Putin will do anything to keep his position. – It is obvious that Putin killed Navalny, he says in a statement. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi believes Russia is responsible for Navalny’s death. Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP Polish Defense Minister Radoslaw Sikorski also holds Putin responsible. – He was convicted in a trial on false charges, with false evidence. He was put in prison where he lived in terrible conditions. Vladimir Putin is responsible for all this, says Sikorski according to the AFP news agency. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also believes that Russia is responsible. Believes the West has drawn conclusions too early Immediately after the news of the death came, President Vladimir Putin was live on state television. He did not comment on the reports of the death. Spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zaharova, writes in an update on Telegram that NATO leaders’ reactions to the news are “revealing”. – The forensic report is not ready yet, but the West has already drawn conclusions, she writes Strong reactions Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide (Ap) says the reports about the death are deeply tragic and refers to it as a sad day for democracy. Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide (Ap) was in Munich when he commented on the reports about Navalny’s death. Photo: Eirik Pessl-Kleiven / news – Navalny was a political prisoner who died in a Russian prison and that means that the Russian authorities bear a great responsibility, he says. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says that all facts must be on the table about Alexei Navalny’s death. – Russia must answer serious questions, he says. Navalny shows the peace sign to the press in court. Photo: Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP A source for the state-owned Russian news agency RT is said to have said that Navalny died of a blood clot. The Russian peace prize winner Dmitrij Muratov is skeptical of that explanation. – I am sure that the blood clot (if there was one) is a direct consequence of the 27th stay in prison. Alexei Navalny was tortured and tortured for three years, Muratov told the opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta, according to Reuters. Politician Boris Nadezhdin is one of the few in Russia who openly criticizes Putin and the war against Ukraine. He reacts with sadness to the news of Navalny’s death. – I pray to God that the information turns out to be false. Aleksej is one of the most talented and courageous people I have known in Russia. Navalny and his wife on a flight from Berlin to Moscow in 2021. Photo: Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP – Shows how far Putin is willing to go Russia adviser Ane Tusvik Bonde in Amnesty says it is terrible news if it turns out that Navalny is death. – That says something about how far Putin is willing to go to gag and silence the critical voices in Russia. Putin has spent the last few years trying to break one of the most important critical voices, she says. One of Norway’s foremost Russia experts, Inna Sangadzhieva of the Helsinki Committee, does not yet want to talk about Navalny as if he is dead. It is too early until it is confirmed by independent sources, since she believes that Russian prison authorities cannot be trusted. Nor does Navalny’s mother want any condolences yet, according to Novaya Gazeta. – I don’t want condolences, writes her mother Lyudmila Navalnya on Facebook, according to the newspaper. She must have met her son on Monday this week, and says he was healthy and happy then. Critic of Putin Navalny has become particularly well known for his revelations of corruption in the Russian power apparatus. Navalny was the most high-profile critic of Vladimir Putin when he was poisoned in August 2020. He returned to Russia after treatment in Germany and was then arrested. Navalny was the most high-profile critic of Vladimir Putin. Photo: Mladen Antonov/Tiziana Fabi / AFP He has until now been imprisoned in a penal colony in Yamal-Nenets, north of central Russia. He has served several different sentences totaling more than 30 years. In 2022, he was put on the list of terrorists and extremists in Russia. In 2020, he was exposed to an attempted murder. He believes people associated with the Russian security service were behind it. Navalny has long maintained that the allegations were fabricated to stop his political ambitions. In 2021, he received the Sakharov Prize, the EU’s prize for human rights. Criticism of the war in social media meant that Olesia ended up on Vladimir Putin’s terrorist list. There is a cost to defying Russia’s powerful man. Program manager is Eline Buvarp Aardal.
