Alex Jones sentenced to pay millions in compensation to Sandy Hook parents – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In total, Alex Jones must pay 49.3 million dollars in compensation and restitution to the boy’s parents. This corresponds to NOK 482 million. A jury in Austin in the US state of Texas found the parents of 6-year-old Jesse Lewis in favor of their claim after a two-week trial, reports Reuters. Jones has claimed that the murder at Sandy Hook Kindergarten in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012, was staged by the government and gun opponents. He has repeated the claims for years in his radio programs, on the website InfoWars and in public meetings. ADMITTED LIES: Alex Jones has spread a number of conspiracy theories in his programmes. Photo: Matt York / AP The school shooting in Sandy Hook shocked the world and is among the deadliest in American history. 20 first graders were shot in their classrooms together with six staff at the school. The killer Adam Lanza (20) killed his mother before he took his own life. MURDERED AT THE SCHOOL: Six-year-old Jessie Lewis was among 20 first-graders who were shot at the school in Sandy Hook. Photo: Briana Sanchez / AP Parents received death threats The parents of Jesse Lewis, Scarlett Lewis and Neil Heslin, said during the trial that for years they have been harassed and received death threats from supporters of Alex Jones who have believed his claims. They told about an assault and that shots had been fired at their home and car. VANN FRAM: Scarlett Lewis and Neil Heslin said that they have been harassed by Alex Jones’ supporters for years. Photo: POOL / Reuters Admitted lie During the trial it emerged that Jones knew that the massacre had really happened. He made the admission for the first time when a series of e-mails were produced as evidence in court. He then said that he now thinks it was irresponsible of him to spread the lie. Now Jones has to pay 4.1 million dollars in compensation to the parents for the burden he has caused them. In addition, he must pay 45.2 million dollars in damages. They had demanded up to 75 million dollars from Jones, who they believe has profited greatly from keeping the conspiracy theory alive.
