Alex Jones must pay Sandy Hook parents NOK 480 million – Latest news – news

6 August 2022 at 00:22 Alex Jones must pay Sandy Hook parents 480 million kroner The radio host and conspiracy theorist behind the website InfoWars, Alex Jones, must pay another 45 million dollars to the parents of a six-year-old boy who was killed during the school massacre in Sandy Hook in 2012. In , a jury in Texas decided that the parents should receive 4.1 million dollars in compensation. Jones has claimed for years that the school massacre was a fabrication staged by gun opponents. In court, he admitted for the first time that he knew his allegations were false. 20 first graders and six school staff members were killed in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. In court, the parents told that they had been harassed and received death threats by Jones’ supporters for years. The parents believe that Jones knew he was spreading false claims, but that he profited greatly from the lies through his shows and public meetings. The total compensation is 49.2 million dollars, and amounts to 482 million Norwegian kroner.
