Alessandra is the queen of TikTok in this year’s Eurovision – news Culture and entertainment

Alessandra is ready with “Queen of Kings” in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool. And quite fittingly, she has now become the “queen” of TikTok. She is the artist with the most shares on TikTok of all the artists in the starting field. And it has all gone very quickly. – It’s pure madness to me. It’s my first single to release. And a year ago I didn’t even have TikTok. I didn’t use it. – I love to talk Alessandra was interviewed on “turquoise runner” by the presenters during the opening ceremony in Liverpool. They wanted to hear what she has to say about her enormous popularity on social media. – Someone suggested that I should start using it, and I thought that yes, it is a way of talking to people. And I love to talk! – Either you like it or you don’t! Says the Norwegian ESC participant. Also shares about dobe search Alessandra burst into laughter when the presenters asked if there were limits to what she wanted to share. Because in there there are videos of everything from pimples, honest heartbreaks about insecurity and dobe searches. – I didn’t want to show them the result of the toilet visit! But she believes it is important to open the door not only to the toilet, but to the heart and soul. – I think it is very important to show yourself. That’s the most important thing for me about the song and TikTok. Getting to know me. People will get Alessandra, whether they like it or hate it. Swedish Loreen and Norwegian Alessandra compete against each other in the first semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest with the songs “Tattoo” and “Queen of Kings”. Photo: NTB – Hugely important marketing channel TikTok has become very important for artists and record companies. especially in the pop segment, and especially if you have ambitions to reach a global market. That’s what Daniel Nordgård, associate professor of music, digitization and music industry at the University of Agder, says. – TikTok is an enormously important marketing channel, at the same time that for a very important part of the audience – young people – it is a primary platform. That is, it is both a way of discovering music, and a place where you listen to music. Numbers that can be connected with other numbers are also very valuable, Nordgård explains. – Because it can be connected with algorithms that can transfer success from platform to platform. For example, from TikTok to Spotify. The song “Queen of Kings” has so far had 42 million plays on Spotify Nordgård has some thoughts on why exactly Alessandra is doing so well on TikTok. – Her TikTok profile is very active and has a lot of content. In addition, it probably helps that she is building a profile within a phenomenon that has both European and more global scope. She has both the music and her own content, at the same time that she is connected to a phenomenon that is bigger than this – the Eurovision Song Contest. Competing against previous winners Tuesday is the semi-final of the music competition and Norway will fight to reach Saturday’s final. The field is considered to be clearly the strongest of the two semi-finals, and several of the biggest favorites for victory are included, for example Sweden and Finland. But for now it is Alessandra who has won in social media. Her videos have garnered over 9 million likes on TikTok. In comparison, the rival, Swedish Loreen, has “only” 2.3 million likes. And the Swedish ESC expert Tobbe Ek (Aftonbladet) says that winning the TikTok battle is a victory in itself: – It is good and important to capture the younger audience. Eurovision and the competition are one thing, but it’s about having a long-lasting hit afterwards. And you don’t have to win to achieve that. VIDEO: Loreen, who could make history by winning for the second time, made Alessandra “starstruck” on the turquoise runner.
